Jeffrey Scott McGee
Portal: journal of multidisciplinary international studies 8 ( 3) 1 -9
Jonathan Pickering , Jeffrey S McGee , Sylvia I Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen , Joseph Wenta
Journal of Environmental Law 31 ( 1) 1 -28
Brook M R Dambacher , Matthew T Stilwell , Jeffrey S McGee
Journal of Environmental Law 32 ( 1) 53 -81
Jeffrey McGEE. , David Edmiston , Marcus Haward
Springer Singapore
Liam Phelan , Joseph Wenta , Jeffrey McGee
Melbourne Journal of International Law 15 ( 2) 444 -472
Kerryn Brent , Jeffrey McGee , Wil Burns
Marcus Haward , Marcus Haward , Fabio Boschetti , Joanna Vince
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 1 -18
Jeffrey McGee , Bruno Arpi
The Polar Journal 1 -3
Brendon Murphy , Jeffrey McGee
Griffith law review 24 ( 2) 288 -313
David Coady , Brendan Gogarty , Jeffrey McGee
Australian Journal of International Affairs 72 ( 1) 49 -67
Ros Taplin , Jeffrey McGee
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 1 ( 1) 16 -22
Jeffrey McGee , Brendan Gogarty , Danielle Smith
Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy 2 ( 1) 88 -116
Jeffrey McGee
Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law 19 ( 1) 158 -161
Jan McDonald , Jeffrey McGee , Richard Barnes
Research Handbook on Climate Change, Oceans and Coasts 2 -26
Jan McDonald , Jeffrey McGee , Richard Barnes ,
Edward Elgar Publishing
David Coady , Brendan Gogarty , Jeffrey McGee
Philosophies of Polar Law 77 -98
Narissa Bax , Chester J. Sands , Brendan Gogarty , Rachel V. Downey
Global Change Biology 27 ( 1) 5 -12
Liam Phelan , Jeffrey McGee , Rhyall Gordon
Environmental Politics 21 ( 3) 412 -431
Jeffrey McGee , Ros Taplin
International Journal of Law in Context 10 ( 3) 338 -356
Kerryn Brent , Jeffrey McGee , Jan McDonald , Eelco J. Rohling
Nature Climate Change 8 ( 6) 451 -453