S. Holttum
British Assocition of Art Therapists
J. Onwumere , S. Holttum , F. Hirst
Psychology Health & Medicine 7 ( 1) 61 -74
H Rankin , S. E. Holttum
Psychology Health & Medicine 8 ( 3) 329 -334
Arts, Health and Wellbeing: A Theoretical Inquiry for Practice 182 -182
Nike Arowobusoye , Sarah Pittaway , Sue Holttum , David Palmer
Mental health in family medicine 6 ( 3) 145 -154
Sue Holttum
Mental Health and Social Inclusion 25 ( 1) 7 -15
Sue Holttum , Chris Wood , Tim Wright
International Journal of Art Therapy 1 -11
Sue Holttum
Mental Health and Social Inclusion
Sue Holttum , Val Huet , Gabriel Schnitzer
International Journal of Art Therapy
Joanna Stevens , Catherine Butterfield , Adrian Whittington , Sue Holttum
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 ( 6) 1170
Kate Tchanturia , Naima Lounes , Sue Holttum
European Eating Disorders Review 22 ( 6) 454 -462
Ekundayo A. Sodeke-Gregson , Sue Holttum , Jo Billings
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 4 ( 1) 21869
Jeni Brooks , Sue Holttum , Anthony Lavender
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 9 ( 4) 253 -270
Sue Holttum , Laura Goble
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 13 ( 5) 339 -351
Anne B. Wright , Sue Holttum
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 19 ( 1) 46 -56
Gemma Eke , Sue Holttum , Mark Hayward
Journal of Clinical Psychology 68 ( 3) 263 -278
Laura Lea , Sue Holttum , Anne Cooke , Linda Riley
The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice 11 ( 4) 208 -219
Helen Wood , Laura Lea , Sue Holttum
The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice 8 ( 1) 15 -25
Sue Holttum
Mental Health and Social Inclusion 18 ( 2) 52 -58
Sue Holttum
Mental Health and Social Inclusion 20 ( 2) 67 -73