Axel Michaelowa , Ulf Moslener , Karol Kempa , W.P. Pauw
Michaelowa, Axel; Moslener, Ulf; Mikolajczyk, Szymon; Hoch, Stephan; Pauw, Pieter; Krey, Matthias; Kempa, Karol; Espelage, Aglaja; Weldner, Kaja; Jung, Carsten (2019). Opportunities for mobilizing private climate finance through Article 6. Freiburg: Perspectives.
Karol Kempa , Hannes Rusch
Managerial and Decision Economics 40 ( 5) 500 -514
Stephan B. Bruns , Igor Asanov , Rasmus Bode , Melanie Dunger
Research Policy 48 ( 9) 103796
Matthias Greiff , Andreas Hildenbrand , Karol Kempa
WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 42 ( 11) 658 -666
Karol Kempa , Ulf Moslener , Oliver Schenker
Nature Energy 6 ( 2) 135 -142
Karol Kempa , Ulf Moslener
Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy 6 ( 1)
Lothar Grall , Christian Haas , Karol Kempa , Jürgen Meckl
Available at SSRN 4610230
Christian Haas , Henriette Jahns , Karol Kempa , Ulf Moslener
Energy Research & Social Science 100 103060 -103060
Christian Haas , Karol Kempa , Ulf Moslener
Energy Policy 179 113632 -113632
Karol Kempa , Ulf Moslener
Working Paper. https://www. researchgate. net/publication/365650339_Climate_and_Environme ntal_Policy_Risk_and_Debt
Franziska Schütze , Fernanda Ballesteros , Alexandra Hüttel , Karol Kempa
Christian Haas , Karol Kempa
Energy Journal 39 ( 4) 127 -151
Christian Haas , Karol Kempa
Environmental and Resource Economics 86 109–145 -109–145
Karol Kempa
Oxford Economic Papers 74 ( 1) 136 -154
Karol Kempa , Ulf Moslener , Karsten Neuhoff , Franziska Schütze
Sustainable Finance Research Platform
Matthias Greiff , Karol Kempa
[Sl]: SSRN
Karol Kempa , Ashish Tyagi
Available at SSRN 4219818
Karol Kempa , Ulf Moslener , Karsten Neuhoff , Oliver Schenker
Sustainable Finance Research Platform
Ingmar Jürgens , Karol Kempa , Christian Klein , Catherine Marchewitz
Sustainable Finance Research Platform
Johannes Lips , Christoph Funk , Karol Kempa
Energy Challenges for the Next Decade, 16th IAEE European Conference, August 25-28, 2019