Stephen P. Bremner , Richard C. Corkish , Christiana B. Honsberg
Georgia Institute of Technology
Humphrey , Corkish , Puzzer , Green
3rd World Conference onPhotovoltaic Energy Conversion, 2003. Proceedings of 3 2682 -2685
Richard P. Corkish
Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Australia 9 92 -101
Sanghun Woo , John A. Stride , Peter J. Reece , Shujuan Huang
photovoltaic specialists conference 1926 -1929
R.P. Corkish , A. Lambertz , M.A. Green , B.S. Richards
world conference on photovoltaic energy conversion 3 2738 -2741
R.P. Corkish , K.W. Kramer , T. Trupke , M.A. Green
3rd World Conference onPhotovoltaic Energy Conversion, 2003. Proceedings of 1 248 -250
Atul K. Raturi , R.P. Corkish , S. Dasappa , S. Roy
International Council for Science Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
R.P. Corkish
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 32 ( 6) 6 -11
Andrew S Brown , Martin A Green , Richard P Corkish
Physica E-low-dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 14 ( 1) 121 -125
Bryce S Richards , Avi Shalav , Richard P Corkish
Proceedings of the 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference 113 -116
BS Richards , AS Brown , T Trupke , RP Corkish
Proceedings of ANZSES Conference
G Conibeera , M Greena , R Corkisha , Young Choa
Pinka, Y. Huanga, T. Puzzera, T. Trup kea, B. Richards, A. Shalava, and Kuo lung Lind, Thin Solid Films 511 512 -654
Marina M Lunardia , JP Alvarez-Gaitanb , JI Bilbaoa , Richard Corkisha
IjoLCAS 2 1 -9
R Corkish , M Monteiro Lunardi , NL Chang , JP Alvarez-Gaitan
A. Lund , C. , Jennings , P.
Science & Engineering Faculty
Chris Lund , Philip Jennings , Trevor Pryor , Kim Blackmore
Science & Engineering Faculty
Richard Corkish , Gough Yumu Lui
Richard Corkish , Rodney A. Stewart , Annick Anctil , Ilke Celik
Energies 14 ( 9) 2633
Eun-Chel Cho , Martin A. Green , James Xia , Richard Corkish
Applied Physics Letters 84 ( 13) 2286 -2288
Richard Corkish , Tom Puzzer , A. B. Sproul , Keung L. Luke
Journal of Applied Physics 84 ( 10) 5473 -5481