Advances in Geosciences, Volume 21: Solar Terrestrial (ST) 21 1
Leon Ofman , Richard Fisher , Madhulika Guhathakurta
Solar Wind Eight 64
Leon Ofman , James McLaughlin
SOHO-17. 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond 617 102
Leon Ofman
NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N 01 19003
Leon Ofman , Leon Ofman , Leon Ofman , Carolus J. Schrijver
The Astrophysical Journal 753 ( 1) 52
Leon Ofman , Leon Ofman , Leon Ofman , Joseph M. Davila
The Astrophysical Journal 751 ( 2)
Bart De Pontieu , Leon Ofman , Leon Ofman , Davina E. Innes
The Astrophysical Journal 759 ( 2) 144
Leon Ofman , Vadim Uritsky , Michael S. Kirk , M. Leila. Mays
Solar Heliospheric and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE 2016) 141
Leon Ofman , Tongjiang Wang , Elena Provornikova
40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 40
Leon Ofman , Xudong Sun
AAS/Solar Physics Division Abstracts #48
Leon Ofman , Vadim M. Uritsky , Joseph M. Davila
AAS/AGU Triennial Earth-Sun Summit
Leon Ofman , Tongjiang Wang , Elena Provornikova
Solar Heliospheric and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE 2014) 158
Leon Ofman , Xudong Sun , Joseph Davila , Tongjiang Wang
IAU General Assembly 29 2257766
Leon Ofman , Joseph Davila , Tongjiang Wang
AAS/Solar Physics Division Abstracts #48
Leon Ofman , Therese Kucera , Kalman Knizhnik , Brigitte Schmieder
40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 40
Leon Ofman , Tongjiang Wang , Elena Provornikova
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #224 224
Leon Ofman , Hui Tian , Tongjiang Wang
SDO-3: Exploring the Network of SDO Science 104
Leon Ofman , M. Leila Mays , Andrew Inglis , Elena Provornikova
shin 138