Tatiana E. Shults , Oleksandr O. Husev , Janis G. Zakis
international conference of young specialists on micro/nanotechnologies and electron devices 514 -520
Tatiana E. Shults , Alena S. Filatova , Maxim A. Dybko , Oleksandr O. Husev
international conference of young specialists on micro nanotechnologies and electron devices
Tatiana E. Shults , Oleksandr O. Husev , Frede Blaabjerg
international conference of young specialists on micro nanotechnologies and electron devices 600 -606
Husev , Matiushkin , Roncero-Clemente , Vinnikov
Energies 12 ( 18) 3505
Husev , Shults , Vinnikov , Roncero-Clemente
Electronics 8 ( 4) 405
Husev , Oleksandr and Matiushkin , Oleksandr and Vinnikov , Dmitri and Roncero-Clemente
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 ( 5) 4329 -4341
AP Fesenko , OO Matushkin , OO Husev
Вісник Національного технічного університету ХПІ. Серія: Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях ( 26 (1)) 68 -74
TA Khizhniak , OO Husev , IS Lipinskyi
Технiчна електродинамiка ( 5) 32 -34
Oleksandr Husev , Dmitri Vinnikov , Andrii Chub , Andrei Blinov
Informacije Midem-journal of Microelectronics Electronic Components and Materials 44 ( 3) 224 -234
Oleksandr Husev , Enrique Romero-Cadaval , Dmitri Vinnikov , Carlos Roncero-Clemente
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 76 -80
Oleksandr Husev , Dmitri Vinnikov , Andrii Chub , Jānis Zaķis
publication.editionName 2935 -2940
Oleksandr Husev , Kaspars Kroics , Janis Zakis , Ryszard Strzelecki
european conference on power electronics and applications
Oleksandr Husev , Indrek Roasto , Tanel Jalakas , Mahdieh Najafzadeh
international scientific conference on power and electrical engineering of riga technical university
Oleksandr Husev , Dmitri Vinnikov , Oleksandr Matiushkin , Artem Fescnko
international scientific conference on power and electrical engineering of riga technical university
Oleksandr Husev , Carlos Roncero-Clemente
Academic Press 217 -257
Oleksandr Husev , Indrek Roasto , Hector Young , Jose Rodriguez
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 1 -1
Viktor Shevchenko , Maksym Khomenko , Igor Kondratenko , Oleksandr Husev
Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering 16 ( 2) 102 -109
Oleksandr Husev , Dmitri Vinnikov , Ryszard Strzelecki , Oleksandr Matiushkin
Energies 14 ( 9) 2448
Oleksandr Husev , Seyed Hossein Hosseini , Tala Hemmati , Naser Vosoughi Kurdkandi
the power electronics drive systems technologies conference
Oleksandr Husev , Dmitri Vinnikov , Jiebei Zhu , Lujie Yu
international power electronics and motion control conference