Ozeri Shaul , Spivak Boaz , Shmilovitz Doron
international symposium on industrial electronics 1153 -1157
Shaul Ozery , Netanel Peles , Be Eri Nestor
Shaul EYAL , Avishay , ARBEL , Nadav
Shaul Ozeri , Doron Shmilovitz
Ultrasonics 50 ( 6) 556 -566
Shaul Ozeri , Doron Shmilovitz , Sigmond Singer , Chua-Chin Wang
Ultrasonics 50 ( 7) 666 -674
Shaul Ozeri , Doron Shmilovitz
Ultrasonics 54 ( 7) 1929 -1937
Shaul Ozeri , Doron Shmilovitz , Sigmond Singer , Luis Martinez-Salamero
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-regular Papers 54 ( 3) 610 -619
Shaul Ozeri , Doron Shmilovitz
power electronics specialists conference 245 -249
Doron Shmilovitz , Shaul Ozeri , Chua-Chin Wang , Boaz Spivak
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 61 ( 4) 995 -1004
Avishay Eyal , Nadav Arbel , Shaul Ozeri
Avishay Eyal , Shaul Ozeri
Avishay Eyal , Shaul Ozeri , Nadav Arbel
Avishay Eyal , Shaul Ozeri
Shaul Ozeri , Ofer Amrani
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 69 ( 1) 199 -207
Shaul Ozeri , Jehonatan Ozeri
Jacob Itay , Shaul Ozeri
Zvi Ben-Shalom , Ori Goldor , Roni Shabat , Shaul Ozeri
Shaul Ozeri , Jehonatan Ozeri
Yossi Yovel and Avishay Eyal Nina Shpalensky , Shaul Ozeri
5th Symphosium on Laser-Ultrasonics and Advanced Sensing 108 -108
S. Ozeri , D. Shmilovitz
international symposium on circuits and systems 2281 -2284