Göetz H. R. Bokelmann , Robert L. Kovach
Geophysical Research Letters 30 ( 8) 1445
G.H.R. Bokelmann
Routledge 261 -264
G.H.R. Bokelmann
Geology 30 ( 11) 1027 -1030
L. Buontempo , G.H.R. Bokelmann , G. Barruol , J. Morales
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 273 237 -250
Simon Lloyd , Goetz Bokelmann , Victor Sucic
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
Meghan S. Miller , Irene Bianchi , Goetz Bokelmann
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
Ehsan Qorbani , Dimitri Zigone , Goetz Bokelmann , AlpArray-EASI Working Group
EGUGA 12009
Ehsan Qorbani , Dimitri Zigone , Goetz Bokelmann , AlpArray-EASI Working Group
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 18458
Artemii Novoselov , Florian Fuchs , Goetz Bokelmann
Geophysical Journal International 223 ( 1) 144 -160
Nóra Liptai , Zoltan Graczer , Gyöngyvér Szanyi , Sierd APL Cloetingh
Tectonophysics 845 229643
Eric Loeberich , Goetz Bokelmann
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 329 106904
Irene Bianchi , Goetz Bokelmann , Claudio Chiarabba , Nicola Piana Agostinetti
Maria-Theresia Apoloner , Jean-Baptiste Tary , Goetz Bokelmann
Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 108 ( 2)
Jean Baptiste Tary , Maria-Theresia Apoloner , Goetz Bokelmann
Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 108 ( 2)
Artemii Novoselov , Manfred Dorninger , Gerhard Diendorfer , Goetz Bokelmann
Seismological Society of America 93 ( 6) 3404 -3421
Artemii Novoselov , Krisztina Sinkovics , Goetz Bokelmann
NeurIPS 2021 AI for Science Workshop
Katalin Gribovszki , Károly Kovács , Péter Mónus , Pavel Konecny
European Geosciences Union General Assembly
Artemii Novoselov , Florian Fuchs , Manfred Dorninger , Goetz Bokelmann
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts EGU21 -7606
Artemii Novoselov , Gerrit Hein , Goetz Bokelmann , Florian Fuchs
EGU2020 ( EGU2020-1484)
Ronan Le Bras , Goetz Bokelmann , Victor Sucic , Damir Malnar