Robert M Taylor , Todd C Monson , Rama R Gullapalli
Nanoscale Research Letters 9 ( 1) 306 -306
Rama R Gullapalli , Michael J Becich ,
Rama R Gullapalli , Trevar S Caldwell , Megan N Rivera , Priyanka Sharma
Cancer Prevention Research 13 ( 7_Supplement) A10 -A10
Rama R Gullapalli , Trevar S Caldwell , Megan N Rivera , Priyanka Sharma
Marcus M Garcia , Aaron S Romero , Seth D Merkley , Jewel L Meyer-Hagen
Environmental Health Perspectives 132 ( 4) 047005 -047005
Mia J Coleman , Luis M Espino , Hernan Lebensohn , Marija V Zimkute
Metabolites 12 ( 5) 431 -431
Seth D Merkley , Samuel M Goodfellow , Yan Guo , Zoe ER Wilton
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 16 ( 2) 259 -274
Chhavi Chauhan , Rama R Gullapalli
The American journal of pathology 191 ( 10) 1673 -1683
Michael M Franklin , Fred A Schultz , Marissa A Tafoya , Audra A Kerwin
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 146 ( 1) 117 -122
Mark D Zarella , David S McClintock , Harsh Batra , Rama R Gullapalli
Journal of Medical Imaging 10 ( 5) 051802 -051802
Rahul Kumar , Rama R Gullapalli
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) ( 203) e66238 -e66238
Alexis B Carter , Rama R Gullapalli , Jill M Hagenkord , Hyunseok P Kang
J Pathol 3 47 -47
Rama R Gullapalli , Ketaki V Desai , Lucas Santana-Santos , Jeffrey A Kant
Journal of Pathology Informatics 3 ( 1) 40 -40
Peter McCaffrey , Ronald Jackups , Jansen Seheult , Mark A Zaydman
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Rama R Gullapalli , Ketaki V Desai , Lucas Santana-Santos , Jeffrey A Kant
Journal of Pathology Informatics 3 ( 1) 40 -40
AlexisB Carter , RamachandraR Gullapalli , JillM Hagenkord , HyunseokP Kang
Journal of Pathology Informatics 3 ( 47) 47 -47
R.R. Gullapalli , M. Lyons-Weiler , P. Petrosko , R. Dhir
Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 32 ( 4) 585 -599
Ramachandra R Gullapalli , Melik C Demirel , Peter J Butler
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 10 ( 24) 3548 -3560
Hari S Muddana , Ramachandra R Gullapalli , Evangelos Manias , Peter J Butler
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
Peter J Butler , Ramachandra R Gullapalli , Tristan Tabouillot , Michael C Ferko
Reviews in Fluorescence 2009 127 -153