Ben Carico , DJ Moulton , Mitchell Freyermuth , Nathan Vogt
R Pasquetti , R Futtersack , A Bonnement , B Bensiali
24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference
E R Vivoni , P Fasel , E Springer , S Mniszewski
SAHRA, 8th Annual Meeting
D Moulton , J Harrison , B Lipschultz , D Coster
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59 ( 6) 065011
NR Walkden , A Wynn , F Militello , B Lipschultz
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59 ( 8) 085009
C Guillemaut , A Jardin , J Horacek , I Borodkina
Physica Scripta 2016 014005
A Järvinen , C Giroud , M Groth , K Krieger
Physica Scripta 2011 014013
B D Dudson , J Allen , T Body , B Chapman
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 ( 6) 065008
A Fil , B Lipschultz , D Moulton , B D Dudson
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 62 ( 3) 035008
Ch Guillemaut , A Jardin , J Horacek , A Autricque
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57 ( 8) 085006
AE Jaervinen , S Brezinsek , C Giroud , M Groth
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58 ( 4) 045011
T W Versloot , P C de Vries , C Giroud , M Brix
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 53 ( 6) 065017
D Moulton , Ph Ghendrih , W Fundamenski , G Manfredi
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 55 ( 8) 085003
J Simpson , D Moulton , C Giroud , M Groth
Nuclear Materials and Energy 34 101365
D Moulton , D Williams , D Agarwal , T Boden
Workshop Report, Potomac, Maryland, April
PC Lichtner , C Lu , B Philip , D Moulton
SciDAC-2 project, see http://www. scidac. gov/groundwater/gwflow. html
P Lichtner , C Lu , G Hammond , B Philip
JR Harrison , RJ Akers , SY Allan , JS Allcock
Nuclear Fusion 59 ( 11) 112011
M Freshley , S Hubbard , G Flach , V Freedman
USDOE Office of Environmental Management (EM)(United States); Los Alamos National Lab.(LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.(LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States) ( ASCEM-SITE-2012-01)
M Aftanas , M Afzal , M Aints , D Alegre
Nuclear Fusion 55 ( 10) 104001 -104001