Phylogeny clarifies the origin and evolution of fundamental reproductive and ecological traits

CL Schoch , GH Sung , F López-Giráldez , JP Townsend
Systematic biology 58 224 -239

Nitrogen fertilization increases powdery mildew, arthropod pests, and nitrate accumulation in hops

A Iskra , S Lafontaine , C Phillips , T Shellhammer
Phytopathology 106 ( 12) 199 -200

Can knowledge of spatial variability in slug populations help improve stand establishment

G Mueller-Warrant , N Anderson , C Sullivan , G Whittaker
Seed Production Research Report 4 -13

Sybren de Hoog

CL Schoch , GH Sung , F López-Giráldez , JP Townsend
G., Crous, PW, Hewitt, D., Pfister, DH, Peterson, K., Gryzenhout, M., Wingfield, MJ, Aptroot, A., Suh, SO, Blackwell, M., Hillis, DM, Griffith, GW

Agricultural Crop Change in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, from 2004 to 2017. Data 2021, 6, 17

BM Strimbu , G Mueller-Warrant , K Trippe
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affil-iations.

Biochar soil amendments as a tool for climate change adaptation in PNW agriculture

C. L. Phillips , B. A. Murphy , A. V. Beovich , S. M. Griffith
2015 AGU Fall Meeting 2015

Use of SWAT to Model Impact of Climate Change on Sediment Yield and Agricultural Productivity in Western Oregon, USA

G. W. Mueller-Warrant , C. L. Phillips , K. M. Trippe
Open Journal of Modern Hydrology 9 ( 2) 54 -88

Soil Health, Crop Productivity, Microbial Transport, and Mine Spoil Response to Biochars

J. M. Novak , J. A. Ippolito , R. D. Lentz , K. A. Spokas
Bioenergy Research 9 ( 2) 454 -464

Long-term impacts of conservation-oriented soil management practices in Western Oregon seed cropping systems

K. Meyer , A. Pederson , J. Vasen , K. Trippe
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019

Phytostabilizing effect of biochars on remediating heavy metals in mine spoil soils

Gilbert C Sigua , Jeffrey M Novak , Don Watts , Mark G Johnson

Unexpected distribution of the 4-formylaminooxyvinylglycine (FVG) biosynthetic pathway in Pseudomonas and beyond.

Kristin M Trippe , Rachel A Okrent , Edward W Davis , Viola A Manning
PLOS ONE 16 ( 4)

Towards predicting biochar impacts on plant-available soil nitrogen content

Claire L Phillips , Kylie M Meyer , Manuel Garcia-Jaramillo , Clara S Weidman
Biochar 4 ( 1) 9

SSSA Business Meeting--Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Vanessa L Bailey , Kristin M Trippe , Stephanie A Yarwood
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting

Francis E. Clark Distinguished Lectureship on Soil Biology

Kristin M Trippe , Vanessa L Bailey , Stephanie A Yarwood
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting

SSSA Business Meeting--Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Kristin M Trippe , Jeanette M Norton , Vanessa L Bailey
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2020)| VIRTUAL

Poster and 5 Minute Rapid--Soil Biology and Biochemistry Oral (includes student competition)

Vanessa L Bailey , Kristin M Trippe
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2020)| VIRTUAL