C. Lupo , F. Dessi-Fulgheri , L. Lodi , R. Cervo
Monitore Zoologico Italiano-Italian Journal of Zoology 22 ( 2) 145 -160
S. Turillazzi , R. Cervo , A. Nannoni
Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 133 ( 1) 67 -78
S. Turillazzi , D. A. Grasso , F. Zacchi , A. Mori
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the Italian Section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (I.U.S.S.I.), Pavia, June 8-10, 1995. 1 125 -130
I. Ortolani , R. Cervo
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G. Mazza , A. F. Inghilesi , S. Longo , R. Cervo
Bulletin of Insectology 69 ( 1) 41 -48
L. Signorotti , R. Cervo , D’ Ettorre
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I. Pepiciello , A. Cini , V. Mazzoni , R. Cervo
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G. Mazza , M. Cristofaro , A. F. Inghilesi , S. Arnone
International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods
G. Mazza , A. Inghilesi , R. Cervo , V. Materassi
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R. Cervo , Maria Cristina Lorenzi
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I. Pepiciello , A. Cini , V. Mazzoni , R. Cervo
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S. Turillazzi , L. Beani , R. Cervo , C.M. Lorenzi
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society (USA)
R. Cervo , F. Zacchi , S. Turillazzi
Insectes Sociaux 47 ( 2) 155 -157
D. Fanelli , R. Cervo , S. Turillazzi
Insectes Sociaux 48 ( 4) 352 -354
R. Cervo , M. C. Lorenzi
Insectes Sociaux 43 ( 3) 255 -266
R. Cervo , S. Turillazzi
Journal of Insect Behavior 9 ( 2) 297 -306
G. Mazza , A. Cini , R. Cervo , S. Longo
Italian Journal of Zoology 78 ( 1) 101 -105
C. Bruschini , R. Cervo , F. R. Dani , S. Turillazzi
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 45 ( 3) 202 -205
S. Turillazzi , M. F. Sledge , F. R. Dani , R. Cervo
Naturwissenschaften 87 ( 4) 172 -176
M. C. Lorenzi , R. Cervo , S. Turillazzi
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 3 45 -47