Karl Palmskog
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Catalin Meirosu , Rolf Stadler , Alberto Gonzalez Prieto , Mads Dam
future network & mobile summit 1 -8
Grigore Roşu , Milos Gligoric , Brandon Moore , Karl Palmskog
Milos Gligoric , Karl Palmskog , Junyi Jessy Li , Pengyu Nie
international conference on software engineering
Ahmet Celik , Karl Palmskog , Marinela Parovic , Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias
2019 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 539 -551
Ahmet Celik , Karl Palmskog , Milos Gligoric
automated software engineering 171 -182
Kush Jain , Karl Palmskog , Ahmet Celik , Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias
international conference on software engineering 89 -92
Karl Palmskog , Farah Hariri , Darko Marinov
ACM Sigsoft Software Engineering Notes 40 ( 6) 1 -5
Kristjan V. Jonsson , Karl Palmskog , Ymir Vigfusson
international conference on communications 804 -809
Gul Agha , Karl Palmskog
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 28 ( 1) 6
Faria Kalim , Karl Palmskog , Jayasi Mehar , Adithya Murali
formal methods in computer-aided design 96 -104
Ahmet Celik , Karl Palmskog , Milos Gligoric
international conference on software engineering 117 -120
Minas Charalambides , Karl Palmskog , Gul Agha
Models, Languages, and Tools for Concurrent and Distributed Programming 315 -339
Karl Palmskog , Ahmet Celik , Milos Gligoric
international symposium on software testing and analysis 344 -355
Mads Dam , Karl Palmskog
Proceedings of the 2013 workshop on Programming based on actors, agents, and decentralized control - AGERE! '13 49 -60
Karl Palmskog , Ahmet Celik , Milos Gligoric
tools and algorithms for construction and analysis of systems 137 -157
Yuri Ismailov , Karl Palmskog , Micael Widell , Petter Arvidsson
Fourth European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks (ECUMN'07) 337 -345
Talia Ringer , Karl Palmskog , Ilya Sergey , Milos Gligoric
arXiv: Logic in Computer Science
Gul Agha , Karl Palmskog
Principles of Modeling 16 -37
Gul Agha , Minas Charalambides , Kirill Mechitov , Karl Palmskog
Assured Cloud Computing 237 -276