Sudhakar Kalva , S. Naganjaneyulu
i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering 14 ( 4) 11
E. Suresh Babu , S. Naganjaneyulu , P. V. Srivasa Rao , G. K. V. Narasimha Reddy
Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems 21 -30
Kalva Sudhakar , S. Naganjaneyulu
Journal of Statistics and Management Systems 23 ( 2) 389 -397
M Sitaram Prasad , S Naganjaneyulu , CH Gopi Krishna , C Nagaraju
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Informaion Technology. 8 ( 1) 35 -39
M Pavani , S Naganjaneyulu , C Nagaraju
International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science 2 ( 8) 2464 -2467
K Sudhakar , S Naganjaneyulu , Y Rama Mohan
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development 8 ( 1) 531 -540
Sudhakar Kalva , S Naganjaneyulu
E Suresh Babu , S Naganjaneyulu , PV Srivasa Rao , GKV Narasimha Reddy
Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of ICTIS 2018, Volume 1 106 21 -21
B SrinivasaRao , S Naganjaneyulu , O Rama Devi , B Rama Devi
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems 10 ( 07-Special Issue) 304 -312
B Srinivasa Rao , KV Ramana , Kakinada JNTUK , Atul Negi
Department of CSE, BMS College of Engineering
N.V. Nikhila S.Sagar Imambi , S Naganjaneyulu
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering 9 ( 5) 8330 -35
Naganjaneyulu Satuluri1 and Mrithyumjaya Rao Kuppa2
International Journal of Database Theory and Application 5 ( 3) 25 -35
Satuluri Naganjaneyulu , M Rao Kuppa , Ali Mirza
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications for Smart Devices 2 ( No.1 (2014)) pp. 23 -40
Satuluri Naganjaneyulu , Buraga Srinivasa Rao
ieee international conference on cognitive informatics and cognitive computing 275 -282
Satuluri Naganjaneyulu , Mrithyumjaya Rao Kuppa
Progress in Artificial Intelligence 2 ( 1) 73 -84
E Suresh Babu , M Srinivasa Rao , Satuluri Naganjaneyulu , M Srinivasa Sesha Sai
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 40 ( 1-3) 194 -213
E Suresh Babu , Satuluri Naganjaneyulu , PSV Srinivasa Rao , M Srinivas Rao
Computer Communication, Networking and Internet Security: Proceedings of IC3T 2016 69 -80
Katru Rama Rao , Satuluri Naganjaneyulu
Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 26 ( 4)
Katru Rama Rao , Satuluri Naganjaneyulu
Applied Artificial Intelligence 38 ( 1) 2318164 -2318164
Satuluri Naganjaneyulu , Rangisetty Sree Lakshmi , Shaik NagulMeeraBee , Medagam Sai Krishna Reddy
2024 International Conference on Emerging Systems and Intelligent Computing (ESIC) 556 -561