Armin Jeddi Yeganeh , Andrew P. McCoy , Todd Schenk
urban climate 31 100547
Armin Jeddi Yeganeh , Andrew Patton McCoy , Steve Hankey
Sustainability 11 ( 22) 6269
Hesam Kamalipour , Armin Jeddi Yeganeh , Mehran Alalhesabi
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 35 459 -467
Armin Jeddi Yeganeh , Ralph Hall , Annie Pearce , Steve Hankey
Journal of Transport and Land Use 11 ( 1)
Armin Jeddi Yeganeh , Andrew P. McCoy
International Congress on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI Century 587 -602
Armin Jeddi Yeganeh , Georg Reichard , Andrew P. McCoy , Tanyel Bulbul
Building and Environment 143 701 -716
Armin Jeddi Yeganeh
Virginia Tech
Armin Jeddi Yeganeh
Virginia Tech
Andrew P. McCoy , Xinghua Gao , Armin Yeganeh , Philip R. Agee
Energy and Buildings 241 110919
Armin Yeganeh , Andrew P McCoy , Georg Reichard , Todd Schenk
Building Research & Information 49 ( 5) 543 -560
Andrew McCoy , Armin Yeganeh
NAIOP Research Foundation 1 -45
Armin Yeganeh , Andrew P McCoy , Gerog Reichard , Todd Schenk
Armin Yeganeh , Andrew McCoy , Philip Agee , Steve Hankey
Cities 150 105101 -105101
Yongsheng Jiang , Yunjia Zhang , Armin Yeganeh , Dong Zhao
Journal of Green Building 19 ( 3) 41 -69
Peyman Afzali , Armin Yeganeh , Fatemeh Derakhshan
Energy and Buildings 308 114023 -114023
Armin Yeganeh , Translator
255 -255