R. Bonney , T. Phillips
AGUFM 2011
Ibis 148 ( 2) 221 -230
Rebecca C Jordan , Heidi L Ballard , Tina B Phillips
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10 ( 6) 307 -309
Ashley A Dayer , P Christy Pototsky , Richard J Hall , Dana M Hawley
Tina B Phillips , Alison Parker , Anne Bowser , Muki Haklay
Closing the Knowledge-Implementation Gap in Conservation Science: Interdisciplinary Evidence Transfer Across Sectors and Spatiotemporal Scales 83 -107
Connor J Rosenblatt , Ashley A Dayer , Jennifer N Duberstein , Tina B Phillips
Ornithological Applications 124 ( 2) duac008 -duac008
Rick Bonney , Tina B Phillips , Jody Enck , Jennifer Shirk
National Research Council Committee on Outof-School Time STEM. Washington, DC: National Research Council
Tina B Phillips , Nancy M Wells , Abigail H Brown , Jordan R Tralins
People and Nature 5 ( 2) 607 -620
Rachel Becker-Klein , Cathlyn Davis , Tina B Phillips , Veronica Del Bianco
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 8 ( 1)
Rachael P Mady , Tina B Phillips , David N Bonter , Claire Quimby
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 8 ( 1) 14 -14
David N Bonter , Victoria Y Martin , Emma I Greig , Tina B Phillips
BioScience 73 ( 6) 433 -440
Robyn L Bailey , Holly A Faulkner , Vicki Y Martin , Tina B Phillips
American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference
Rick Bonney , Jennifer L Shirk , Tina B Phillips , Andrea Wiggins
Science 343 ( 6178) 1436 -1437
Duncan C McKinley , Abe J Miller-Rushing , Heidi L Ballard , Rick Bonney
Biological Conservation 208 15 -28
Brian L Sullivan , Jocelyn L Aycrigg , Jessie H Barry , Rick E Bonney
Biological Conservation 169 ( 169) 31 -40
Duncan C McKinley , Abe J Miller-Rushing , Heidi L Ballard , Rick Bonney
Biological Conservation
Robyn L Bailey , Holly A Faulkner‐Grant , Victoria Y Martin , Tina B Phillips
Conservation Science and Practice 2 ( 5) e185 -e185
TINA Phillips , JANIS Dickinson
Proceedings of the Fourth International Partners in Flight Conference: Tundra to Tropics. McAllen, TX, USA 633 -640
Costanza B Phillips
Cornell University
Richard Edwards , Sarah Kirn , Thomas Hillman , Laure Kloetzer
UCL Press 381 -390