KM Kniffin , J Narayanan , F Anseel , J Antonakis
G Johns
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Blackwell Publishing
Elena Lvina , Gary W Johns , Christian Vandenberghe
Gary William Johns
Wayne State University
Gary William Johns
Wayne State University
Eric Patton , Gary Johns
ASAC 28 ( 24)
Gary Johns
Elsevier Science/JAI Press
Gary Johns
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 49 ( 1) 80 -104
Magda B. L. Donia , Gary Johns , Usman Raja
Journal of Business and Psychology 31 ( 1) 23 -32
Gary Johns
Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 27 ( 3) 443 -463
Gary Johns
Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 22 ( 3) 431 -444
Gary Johns
Journal of Applied Psychology 60 ( 4) 427 -433
Elena Lvina , Gary Johns , Darren C. Treadway , Gerhard Blickle
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 12 ( 2) 171 -191
Gary Johns
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 16 ( 4) 483 -500
Gary Johns
Academy of Management Discoveries 7 ( 1) 10 -14
Kevin M Kniffin , Jayanth Narayanan , Frederik Anseel , John Antonakis
American Psychologist 76 ( 1) 63 -77
Sharon K. Parker , Frederick P. Morgeson , Gary Johns
Journal of Applied Psychology 102 ( 3) 403 -420
Silvia Dello Russo , Mariella Miraglia , Laura Borgogni , Gary Johns
Journal of Vocational Behavior 83 ( 2) 209 -217
Usman Raja , Gary Johns , Sabahat Bilgrami
Applied Psychology 60 ( 3) 397 -420