B. Penders , R. Vos , K. Horstman
Benkeblia, N. (ed.), OMICs Technologies : Tools for Food Science 119 -140
D. Schuurbiers , S. Spruit , B. Penders
Nijmegen : Centre for Society and the Life Sciences (CSG), with Top Institute Food and Nutrition and the Pilot Plant
B. Penders , F. van Dam
Amsterdam : BoomLemma
M. Radstake , B. Penders
Graduate Journal of Social Science 4 4 -10
B. Penders , N. Vermeulen
In: Parker, J.N., Vermeulen, N. & B. Penders , editor(s). Collaboration in the New Life Sciences. Farnham: Ashgate; 2010.. 3 -13
B. Penders , M. Korthals
Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics in functional foods and personalised nutrition 361 -374
B. Penders , R. Vos , E. Geelen , Ine Van Hoyweghen
Tailoring Biotechnologies 4 23 -40
B. Penders , D. Schleifer , M. Jauho , X. Frohlich
Limn: magazine of international design 4
B. Penders
Science 344 ( 6185) 693 -693
B. Penders
BMJ 346
Bart Penders
S Flipse , Bart Penders
Limn: magazine of international design 4
Bart Penders
Podium voor Bio-ethiek 23 ( 3) 4 -7
Bart Penders
EACME Newsletter ( 44) 9 -11
Edward J Hackett , John N Parker , Niki Vermeulen , Bart Penders
Science and technology studies ( 4) 733 -764
Inge Lecluijze , Frans Feron , Bart Penders , Klasien Horstman
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 26 ( 2) 31 -52
Bart Penders , Erik Aarden
Amsterdam University Press
Bart Penders
Wijsgerig Perspectief 59 ( 2) 6 -15
Bart Penders , Klasien Horstman , Rein Vos
BioScience 58 ( 8) 747 -755
Bart Penders
Public Understanding of Science 23 ( 8) 903 -910