Ann Marie Ryan , Jacob Bradburn , Sarena Bhatia , Evan Beals
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 ( 3) 452 -466
Jeffrey Olenick , Sarena Bhatia , Ann Marie Ryan
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 24 ( 4) 324 -336
Sarena Bhatia , Abraham Carmeli , John Schaubroeck , Esther Paz
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 ( 1) 14793 -14793
Christopher D Nye , Sarena Bhatia , Joshua J Prasad ,
Routledge 97 -128
Stephen L. Yelon , J. Kevin Ford , Sarena Bhatia
Performance Improvement Quarterly 27 ( 3) 27 -52
J. Kevin Ford , Sarena Bhatia , Stephen L. Yelon
Performance Improvement Quarterly 32 ( 2) 183 -203
Sarena Bhatia , Ann Marie Ryan
Smpte Journal
Sarena Bhatia
Smpte Journal
Sarena Bhatia
Michigan State University
Seymour Adler , Sarena Bhatia
Oxford University Press
Seymour Adler , Sarena Bhatia
Talent Assessment: Embracing Innovation and Mitigating Risk in the Digital Age 183 -183
E Acosta-Belén , S Addicott , S Adler , S Ahn
Fairness in Educational and Psychological Testing: Examining Theoretical, Research, Practice, and Policy Implications of the 417 -417