Rare earth elements as tracers of chemical transfer processes in tropical rain forest soils in french Guiana : S13.04-P -10

Vincent Freycon , Eric Lucot , Pierre-Marie Badot , Anne-Lise Floch
4th international congress of the European soil science societies Eurosoil 2012, Bari, Italy, 02-06 July 2012

La durée d'engorgement peut-elle être déduite de la description morphologique et de la position topographique dans des sols sur schistes en Guyane ?

Vincent Freycon , Eric Lucot , Laure Soucémarianadin , Marc Steinmann
13es Journées d'étude des sols

Les terres rares : lien entre pédogénèse et fonctionnement hydrique des sols de Guyane ?

Vincent Freycon , Eric Lucot , Pierre-Marie Badot , Anne-Lise Floch

La présence d'une nappe d'eau dans des sols hydromorphes forestiers : à quelle profondeur, quand et combien de temps ?Les apports d'un suivi piézométrique pluriannuel

Eric Lucot , François Degiorgi , Pierre-Marie Badot , Marc Steinmann
12es Journées nationales d'étude des sols

Strongly fractionated REE patterns in salts and their implications for REE migration in chloride-rich brines at elevated temperatures and pressures

Marc Steinmann , Peter Stille
Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule A-sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes 327 ( 3) 173 -180

Dynamics of copper and zinc sedimentation in a lagooning system receiving landfill leachate.

Julien Guigue , Olivier Mathieu , Jean Lévêque , Sophie Denimal
Waste Management 33 ( 11) 2287 -2295

Presentation and methodology of TRANSKARST project

Arthur Boudon , Hélène Celle-Jeanton , Xavier Bertrand , Julie Albaric
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 21532

The corrosion of basaltic dykes in evaporites: Ar–Sr–Nd isotope and rare earth elements evidence

Marc Steinmann , Peter Stille , Walter Bernotat , Bernhard Knipping
Chemical Geology 153 ( 1-4) 259 -279

The suitability of annual tree growth rings as environmental archives: Evidence from Sr, Nd, Pb and Ca isotopes in spruce growth rings from the Strengbach watershed

Peter Stille , Anne-Désirée Schmitt , François Labolle , Marie-Claire Pierret
Comptes Rendus Geoscience 344 ( 5) 297 -311

Framework for assessing lateral flows and fluxes during floods in a conduit-flow dominated karst system using an inverse diffusive model

Cybèle Cholet , Jean-Baptiste Charlier , Roger Moussa , Marc Steinmann
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 1 -30

Assessing lateral flows and solute transport during floods in a conduit-flow-dominated karst system using the inverse problem for the advection–diffusion equation

Cybèle Cholet , Jean-Baptiste Charlier , Roger Moussa , Marc Steinmann
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 ( 7) 3635 -3653

Nd isotope evidence for the evolution of the paleocurrents in the Atlantic and Tethys Oceans during the past 180 Ma

Peter Stille , Marc Steinmann , Stanley R. Riggs
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 9 -19