J.L. Hardesty
Violence Against Women 8 ( 5) 597 -625
JL Hardesty
3201 -3201
C Cross , DG Cruess , JM Currier , B Davies
Adolescent Encounters With Death, Bereavement, and Coping 147 381 -381
L Provencher , KEM Galley , BJ Herring , J Sheehan
The Nature Conservancy
L Provencher , DR Gordon , KEM Galley , JL Hardesty
The Nature Conservancy, Gainesville, FL
L Provencher , KEM Galley , BJ Herring , J Sheehan
The Nature Conservancy, Gainesville, FL
JL Hardesty , ML Haselschwerdt , MP Johnson
Parenting plan evaluations: Applied research for the family court 442 -475
JL Hardesty , JD Hans , ML Haselschwerdt , Lyndal Khaw
annual conference of the National Council on Family Relations, Minneapolis, MN
JL Hardesty , L Khaw , GH Chung , JM Martin
FAMILY RELATIONS 58 ( 1) 134 -134
AR Litt , JP McAdoo , JL Hardesty , DR Gordon
The Nature Conservancy, Niceville, FL 76
Jennifer L. Hardesty , Elissa Thomann Mitchell , Angela M. Whittaker , Marcela Raffaelli
Journal of Family Violence 1 -11
Ramona F. Oswald , Carol A. Fonseca , Jennifer L. Hardesty
Psychology of Women Quarterly 34 ( 3) 286 -296
Jennifer L. Hardesty
Journal of Marriage and Family 71 ( 3) 802 -803
Jennifer L. Hardesty , Lyndal Khaw , Grace H. Chung , Jennifer M. Martin
Family Relations 57 ( 4) 479 -491
Lyndal Khaw , Jennifer L. Hardesty
Family Relations 56 ( 4) 413 -425
Jennifer L. Hardesty , Lawrence H. Ganong
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 23 ( 4) 543 -563
David L. DuBois , Heather D. Tevendale , Carol Burk-Braxton , Lance P. Swenson
Journal of Early Adolescence 20 ( 1) 12 -43
Jill R Bowers , Elissa Thomann Mitchell , Jennifer L Hardesty , Robert Hughes
Family Court Review 49 ( 4) 776 -787
Jennifer L. Hardesty , Ramona Faith Oswald , Lyndal Khaw , Carol Fonseca
Journal of Lesbian Studies 12 191 -210
Jennifer L. Hardesty , Jacquelyn C. Campbell , Judith M. McFarlane , Linda A. Lewandowski
Journal of Family Issues 29 ( 1) 100 -124