M. Wackernagel , L. McRae , Arjen Ysbert Hoekstra , J. Kitzes
WWF international
M. Mancini , G. Locatelli , A. Galli
International Project Management Association World Congress 2010, IPMA 2010 1 -7
E. Hertwich , T.O. Wiedmann , T.R. Hawkins , Ertug Ercin
S. Giljum , T.O. Wiedmann , Ertug Ercin , A. Galli
A. Galli , W. Steffen , P. M. Magalhães , K. Meyer
AGUFM 2018
V. Niccolucci , A. Galli , A. Reed , E. Neri
Ecological Modelling 222 ( 16) 2939 -2944
M. Wackernagel , A. Galli
International Journal of Ecodynamics 2 ( 1) 1 -9
M. Di Donato , A. Galli , F. M. Pulselli
4th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability (The Sustainable City)Wessex Institute of TechnologyWIT Transactions on Ecology and the EnvironmentInternational Journal of Ecodynamics 93 499 -508
S. Bastianoni , A. Galli , V. Niccolucci , R. M. Pulselli
4th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability (The Sustainable City)Wessex Institute of TechnologyWIT Transactions on Ecology and the EnvironmentInternational Journal of Ecodynamics 93 345 -356
Derek P Tittensor , Matt Walpole , Samantha LL Hill , Daniel G Boyce
Science 346 ( 6206) 241 -244
E. Blasi , N. Passeri , S. Franco , A. Galli
Agricultural Systems 145 76 -82
U Rashid Sumaila , Ngaio Hotte , Alessandro Galli , Vicky WY Lam
Mar Ecol Prog Ser ( 530) 271–279 -271–279
Peter Fantke , Burcu Tuncer , Georgina Guillén , Stefanos Fotiou
Mathis Wackernagel , Alessandro Galli
Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea)
Maria Serena Mancini , Alessandro Galli
Quaderns de la Mediterrània = Cuadernos del Mediterráneo ( 25) 268 -273
Emanuele Blasi , Silvio Franco , Michael Borucke , Alessandro Galli
EGUGA 6775
Nicoletta Patrizi , Sara Moreno Pires , Federico M. Pulselli , Paula Bacelar Nicolau
UA Editora
Farrah Samraoui , Özge Balkız , Patrick Grillas , Kerim Çiçek
Regional Environmental Change 21 ( 2) 33 -33
Elias Lazarus , David Lin , Jon Martindill , Jeanette Hardiman
Diversity 7 ( 2) 170 -191
Davy Vanham , Adrian Leip , Alessandro Galli , Thomas Kastner
Science of The Total Environment 693 133642