Carol Genetti , Daryn McKenny , Thiago Chacon
Deane Maria Fonseca de Castro e Costa , Ana Laura dos Reis Corrêa , Alexandre Simões Pilati , Germana Henriques Pereira de Sousa
Friederike Lüpke , Kristine Stenzel , Flora Dias Cabalzar , Thiago Chacon
Anthropological Linguistics
Cormac Anderson , Tiago Tresoldi , Thiago Chacon , Anne-Maria Fehn
Yearbook of the Poznan Linguistic Meeting 4 ( 1) 21 -53
Luis Cayón , Thiago Chacon
Anuário Antropológico 39 ( 2) 201 -236
Thiago Chacon
Revista Brasileira de Linguística Antropológica 5 ( 1) 217 -245
Lyle Campbell , Thiago Chacon , John Elliott
The Handbook of Language Contact 625 -648
Jenifer Vega Rodriguez , Nathalie Vallée , Thiago Chacon , Christophe Savariaux
2nd Annual Meeting of the ELRA/ISCA SIG on Under-resourced Languages (SIGUL 2023) 24 -28
Karenleigh A. Overmann , Thiago Chacon , Annick Payne
Written Language & Literacy 25 ( 2) 133–158 -133–158
Matthew K Gordon , Ayla Applebaum , Thiago Chacon , Jack Martin
J. Acoust. Soc. Am 144 1937 -1937
Thiago Chacon , Carol Genetti
Argument selectors: new perspectives on grammatical relations. Amsterdan: John Benjamins Publishing Company 399 -432
Thiago Chacon , Sarah Shulist , Carol Genetti
FEL Proceedings XVII (Ottawa, 2013) FEL XVII: Endangered Languages Beyond Boundaries: Community Connections, Collaborative Approaches, and Cross-Disciplinary Research 114 -122
Thiago Chacon , Carol Genetti
John Benjamins 399 -432
Leonardo Arias , Nicholas Q Emlen , Sietze Norder , Nora Julmi
Interface Focus 13 ( 1) 20220056 -20220056
Françoise Rose , Thiago Chacon , M Lemus Serrano , Natalia Eraso
SSILA Annual Meeting, Austin
Thiago Chacon , Françoise Rose , Denis Bertet , Magdalena Lemus
Rozana R Naves , Sabine Gorovitz , Thiago Chacon , Marina Magalhães
Jenifer Vega Rodriguez12 , Nathalie Vallée , Thiago Chacon
Thiago Chacon
International Journal of American Linguistics 80 ( 3) 275 -322