David C. Rose , William J. Sutherland , Tatsuya Amano , Juan P. González‐Varo
Conservation Letters 11 ( 5)
Alice Barbara Maria Vadrot , Christine Heumesser , Matthias Ritzberger
Westfälisches Dampfboot 188 -231
A Vadrot
PhD dissertation at the Institute of Political Science, University of Vienna
RJ Pohoryles , A Vadrot
Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making 267 -267
Alice BM Vadrot , Silvia C Ruiz Rodríguez , Emmanuelle Brogat , Paul Dunshirn
Earth System Governance 14 100150
Alice BM Vadrot , Jens Jetzkowitz , Lindsay C Stringer
Nature 530 ( 7589) 160 -160
David C Rose , Nibedita Mukherjee , Benno I Simmons , Eleanor R Tew
Environmental Science & Policy 113 47 -54
Hannah Hughes , Alice BM Vadrot ,
Global Environmental Politics 19 ( 2) 14 -37
Hannah Hughes , Alice BM Vadrot ,
Cambridge University Press
Hannah Hughes , Alice BM Vadrot ,
Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making 58 -58
Alice BM Vadrot , Hannah Hughes ,
Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making 25 -25
Alice BM Vadrot , Hannah Hughes ,
Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making 285 -285
Mike Hulme , Martin Mahony , Silke Beck , Christoph Görg
Science 333 ( 6043) 697 -698
Petro Tolochko , Alice BM Vadrot
Environmental Science & Policy 126 79 -89
Alice BM Vadrot , M Akhtar-Schuster , Robert T Watson
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 31 ( sup1) S1 -S9
Alice BM Vadrot , Arne Langlet , Ina Tessnow-von Wysocki
Environmental Politics 31 ( 2) 226 -250
Arne Langlet , Alice BM Vadrot
Marine Policy 147 105372 -105372
Alice BM Vadrot , Silvia C Ruiz Rodríguez
International Studies Quarterly 66 ( 3) sqac051 -sqac051
Ina Tessnow-von Wysocki , Alice BM Vadrot
Politics and Governance 10 ( 3) 14 -28