International Journal of General Systems 24 95 -116
Alfredo Vellido , Terence A. Etchells , David L. García , Ángela Nebot
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2006 970 -977
F. Mugica A. Nebot , F.E. Cellier
333 -356
Luis Carlos Molina , Lluís Belanche , Á Nebot
Proc. of the 4th. Congrés Catala d’Intel. ligencia Artificial 16 -23
À Nebot , F Mugica
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affil-iations.
Angela Nebot Julio J Valdes
Proceedings of the... IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 1 241 -241
Alfredo Vellido , Àngela Nebot , Félix Castro , Julià Minguillón
FECS 210
Àngela Nebot , Félix Castro , Francisco Mugica
international conference on web based education 164 -169
Montserrat Vallverdú , Àngela Nebot , Marc Guiot
european simulation multiconference on simulation 316 -323
François E. Cellier , Àngela Nebot , Rafael Huber Garrido , Antoni Escobet Canal
AI, simulation and planning in high autonomy systems: [AIS 2000], March 6 - 8, 2000, Sheraton Tucson Hotel and Suites, Tucson, Arizona 209 -215
Antoni Escobet , Àngela Nebot
conference on artificial intelligence research and development 202 399 -408
Àngela Nebot , Félix Castro , Francisco Mugica
spring simulation multiconference 781 -788
Narcís Avellana , Sergio Jurado , Àngela Nebot , Francisco Mugica
CCIA 185 -188
Àngela Nebot , René Alquézar , Jordi Petchamé
CCIA 233 -242
Àngela Nebot , Francisco Mugica
Special Session on Applications of Modeling and Simulation to Climatic Change and Environmental Sciences 504 -511
Alfredo Vellido , Àngela Nebot , David L. García
the european symposium on artificial neural networks
Àngela Nebot , Félix Castro , Francisco Mugica
international conference on simulation and modeling methodologies, technologies and applications 103 -108
Àngela Nebot , Francisco Mugica , Enrique Romero , Iván Paz Ortiz
CCIA 213 -220
Jürgen Greifeneder , François E. Cellier , Àngela Nebot
EnviroInfo 651 -660
Àngela Nebot , Benjamín Martínez López , Félix Castro , Carlos Gay
Asociación Española de Climatología