Andre JP Heck
Christian Bokhove , André Heck , Gerald Koolstra , Peter Boon
Christian Bokhove , André Heck , Peter Boon , Gerard Koolstra
Maths CAA Series
André Heck
The International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education 17 ( 3) 115 -120
Christian Bokhove , André Heck , Peter Boon , Gerard Koolstra
Ewa Kedzierska , André Heck , Ton Ellermeijer
The Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 28 ( 2) 147 -161
André Heck , Ton Ellermeijer
Acta Didactica Napocensia 3 ( 2) 17 -34
André Heck , André Heck
Introduction to Maple 79 -105
André Heck , André Heck
Introduction to Maple 419 -434
André Heck , Caroline van Dongen
Physics Education 43 ( 3) 284 -290
André Heck , Ron Vonk
Physics Education 44 ( 2) 188 -194
André Heck , Peter Uylings , Ewa Kędzierska
Physics Education 45 ( 1) 63 -72
Onne van Buuren , André Heck
Springer, Cham 87 -99
Onne van Buuren , André Heck , Ton Ellermeijer
Research in Science Education 46 ( 5) 633 -666
André Heck , Ton Ellermeijer
American Journal of Physics 77 ( 11) 1028 -1038
André Heck , Peter Uylings
The Physics Teacher 48 ( 3) 176 -181
André Heck , Onne van Buuren
Mathematics in Physics Education 53 -74
Onne van Buuren , André Heck
Mathematics in Physics Education 175 -194
Lodewijk Koopman , Natasa Brouwer , André Heck , Wybren Jan Buma
Journal of Chemical Education 85 ( 9) 1233 -1236
Bhesh Raj Mainali , André Heck
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 15 ( 3) 487 -507