Harith Alani , Miriam Fernandez , Prashant Khare
Prashant Khare , Grégoire Burel , Diana Maynard , Harith Alani
international semantic web conference 617 -633
Prashant Khare , Gregoire Burel , Harith Alani
IEEE Intelligent Systems 34 ( 3) 19 -28
Grégoire Burel , Tracie Farrell , Martino Mensio , Prashant Khare
social informatics 28 -42
Prashant Khare , Pablo Torres , Bahareh Rahmanzadeh Heravi
hawaii international conference on system sciences 1565 -1574
Bahareh Rahmanzadeh Heravi , Donn Morrison , Prashant Khare , Stephane Marchand-Maillet
conference on multimedia modeling 192 -204
Prashant Khare , Bahareh Heravi
Proceedings of the First AHA!-Workshop on Information Discovery in Text 54 -59
Tayeb Abderrahmani Ghor , Esha Agrawal , Mehwish Alam , Omar Alqawasmeh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.12554
Stephen McQuistin , Mladen Karan , Prashant Khare , Colin Perkins
ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC)
Prashant Khare , Mladen Karan , Stephen McQuistin , Colin Perkins
AAAI International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM)
Prashant Khare , Ravi Shekhar , Mladen Karan , Stephen McQuistin
61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
Stephen McQuistin , Mladen Karan , Prashant Khare , Colin Perkins
Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA)
Stephen McQuistin , Mladen Karan , Prashant Khare , Colin Perkins
Mladen Karan , Prashant Khare , Patrick Healey , Matthew Purver
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue 542 -547
Mladen Karan , Prashant Khare , Ravi Shekhar , Stephen McQuistin
6080 -6089
Patrick GT Healey , Prashant Khare , Ignacio Castro , Gareth Tyson
Frontiers in Psychology 14 1266425 -1266425
Prashant Khare , Grégoire Burel , Harith Alani
The Semantic Web: 15th International Conference, ESWC 2018, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 3–7, 2018, Proceedings 15 367 -383
Prashant Khare , Pablo Torres , Bahareh Rahmanzadeh Heravi
Prashant Khare , Bahareh Rahmanzadeh Heravi
Tayeb Abderrahmani Ghor , Esha Agrawal , Mehwish Alam , Omar Alqawasmeh
arXiv: Databases