Ravindra Boojhawon , asma zaynah dhunny , Soonil D.D.V. Rughooputh , Roddy Michel Lollchund
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 4 ( 4) 1056 -1064
Zaheer Allam , Zaynah A. Dhunny
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AZ Dhunny , MR Lollchund , SDDV Rughooputh
Journal of Energy in Southern Africa 27 ( 1) 39 -50
AZ Dhunny , Z Allam , MR Lollchund , K Dookhitram
Wind Engineering 44 ( 2) 208 -222
AZ Dhunny , F Toja-Silva , C Peralta , MR Lollchund
Wind Engineering 41 ( 1) 43 -54
AZ Dhunny , MR Lollchund , SDDV Rughooputh
Proceedings of RESUS Conference
AZ Dhunny , K Dookhitram , DS Timmons , TSM Cunden
BO Jawaheer , AZ Dhunny , TSM Cunden , N Chandrasekaran
Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications: Proceedings of Fifth International Conference INDIA 2018 Volume 2 219 -231
AZ Dhunny , K Dookhitram , DS Timmons , TSM Cunden
Zaheer Allam , A. Dhunny , Gaëtan Siew , David Jones
Smart Cities 1 ( 1) 121 -133
A Zaynah Dhunny , Reena Hansa Seebocus , Zaheer Allam , Mohammad Yasser Chuttur
Knowl. Eng. Data Sci. 3 ( 1) 1 -10
A Dhunny , M Lollchund , SDDV Rughooputh
Wind and Structures 20 ( 4) 565 -578
MR Lollchund and SDDV Rughooputh AZ Dhunny , TMS Cunden
Conference: Energetics 2017, At Serbia
A.Z. Dhunny , N. Samkhaniani , M.R. Lollchund , S.D.D.V. Rughooputh
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A.Z. Dhunny , Z. Allam , D. Lobine , M.R. Lollchund
Energy 185 1282 -1297
A.Z. Dhunny , J.R.S. Doorga , Z. Allam , M.R. Lollchund
Energy 188 116056
D. Timmons , A.Z. Dhunny , K. Elahee , B. Havumaki
Energy Policy 133 110895
A.Z. Dhunny , M.R. Lollchund , S.D.D.V. Rughooputh
Renewable Energy 101 1 -9
A.Z. Dhunny , M.R. Lollchund , S.D.D.V. Rughooputh
International Journal of Global Energy Issues 39 181 -203
A.Z. Dhunny , D.S. Timmons , Z. Allam , M.R. Lollchund
Energy 201 117541