David M Lane , Aniko Sandor
Georgia Institute of Technology
Aniko Sandor , Barry Tillman , David J. Fitts , Harry L. Litaker
Durand Begault , Kritina Holden , Martine Godfroy , Aniko Sandor
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society
David M. Lane , H. Albert Napier , S. Camille Peres , Aniko Sandor
International Journal of Human-computer Interaction 18 ( 2) 133 -144
David M. Lane , S. Camille Peres , Aniko Sandor , H. Albert Napier
International Journal of Human-computer Interaction 19 ( 2) 241 -252
Lisa Spiro , Janice Bordeaux , Diane Butler , Andrea Martin
David Lane , H Napier , S Peres , Aniko Sandor
Durand R Begault , Martine Godfroy , Aniko Sandor , Kritina Holden
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Auditory Display 131 -138
David J Fitts , Aniko Sandor , Harry L Litaker Jr , Barry Tillman
Human Research Program Investigators''Workshop
Aniko Sandor , Haifa Moses , John Sprufera , Durand R Begault
( NASA/TM-2016-219107)
Aniko Sandor
Rice University
Andrea Hanson , Kent Kalogera , Aniko Sandor , Marc Hardy
Human Research Program Investigators''Workshop (HRP IWS 2017) ( JSC-CN-38624)
Kritina Holden , Aniko Sandor , John Pace , Shelby Thompson
NASA Tech Briefs, May 2013
Aniko Sandor , Haifa Moses
NASA Human Research Program Investigators''Workshop (HRP IWS 2016) ( JSC-CN-35366)
Aniko Sandor , Ernest V Cross , Mai Lee Chang ,
Human Research Program Investigators''Workshop ( JSC-CN-30443)
Jennifer Rochlis-Zumbado , Aniko Sandor , Neta Ezer
HRP Investigators''Workshop ( JSC-CN-25862)
Kristina L Holden , Aniko Sandor , Shelby G Thompson , Mary K Kaiser
2010 NASA Human Research Program Investigators''Workshop ( JSC-CN-19857)
Mihriban Whitmore , Kritina L Holden , Jennifer Boyer , John-Paul Stephens
18th IAA Humans in Space Symposium: The Next Golden Age ( JSC-CN-22411)
Kritina L Holden , JL Boyer , Aniko Sandor , SG Thompson
Human Research Program Investigators Workshop