Large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of electron nonlocal transport

Abdourahmane Diaw , Jeff Haack , Jim Cooley
APS 2018

Ion friction at small values of the Coulomb logarithm.

Tucker Sprenkle , Adam Dodson , Quinton McKnight , Ross Spencer
Physical Review E 99 ( 5) 053206

Amplification of transition-Cherenkov terahertz radiation of femtosecond filament in air

Yi Liu , Aurélien Houard , Bernard Prade , André Mysyrowicz
Applied Physics Letters 93 ( 5) 051108

A viscous quantum hydrodynamics model based on dynamic density functional theory

Abdourahmane Diaw , Michael S. Murillo
Scientific Reports 7 ( 1) 15352 -15352

Predictive scale-bridging simulations through active learning

Satish Karra , Mohamed Mehana , Nicholas Lubbers , Yu Chen
Scientific Reports 13 ( 1) 16262 -16262

GLUE code: A framework handling communication and interfaces between scales

Aleksandra Pachalieva , Robert S Pavel , Javier E Santos , Abdourahmane Diaw
Journal of Open Source Software 7 ( 80) 4822 -4822

Enabling Predictive Scale-Bridging Simulations through Active Learning

Jeff Haack , Abdourahmane Diaw , Robert Pavel , Irina Sagert
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 2021 ZO03. 012 -ZO03. 012

Functional form of distribution and correlation functions of strongly coupled plasmas

Vikram Dharodi , Abdourahmane Diaw , Michael Murillo
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 2018 TP11. 053 -TP11. 053

Dissipative quantum hydrodynamics model of x-ray Thomson scattering in dense plasmas

Abdourahmane Diaw , Michael Murillo
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 2017 UP11. 021 -UP11. 021

Diffusive Mixing in Strongly Coupled Plasmas

Abdourahmane Diaw , Michael Murillo
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 2016 GO9. 005 -GO9. 005

Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Physics in 2020

Everton Abreu , Natanael C Costa , Cristina Achim , Francesca Curbis

Efficient learning of accurate surrogates for simulations of complex systems

Abdourahmane Diaw , Michael McKerns , Irina Sagert , LG Stanton
Nature Machine Intelligence 1 -10

Design and simulation of capillary discharge plasmas for next generation plasma wakefield accelerators

Nathan Cook , Evan Carlin , Johan Carlsson , Stephen Coleman
RadiaSoft, LLC, Boulder, CO (United States) ( DOE_RadiaSoft_18719_PhII_Final_Report)

Three-Dimensional Modeling of Capillary Discharge Plasmas for Acceleration and Control of Particle Beams

Nathan Cook , Abdourahmane Diaw , Evan Carlin , Stephen Coleman
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 2021 TO05. 012 -TO05. 012

Resistivity and Heat Conduction Modeling in Capillary Discharges

Abdourahmane Diaw , Nathan Cook , Stephen Coleman , Jonathan Edelen
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 2021 PO05. 015 -PO05. 015

Analysis of impurity transport on WEST using the reciprocating collector probe with LA-ICP-MS measurements and 3DLIM modelling

Sean Kosslow , Alex Grosjean , David Donovan , EA Unterberg
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 2023 UP11. 051 -UP11. 051

Validating Impurity Modeling on WEST through a Synthetic Diagnostic Workflow

Abdourahmane Diaw , Ezekial Unterberg , Curtis Johnson , Chris Klepper
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 2023 TO08. 011 -TO08. 011

Prompt vs Local Redeposition: Model Refinement and Experimental Design for Understanding High-Z Net Erosion in Magnetic Confinement Fusion

Davis Easley , Abdourahmane Diaw , David Donovan , Curtis Johnson
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 2023 TO08. 007 -TO08. 007

Recent insights into the role of light impurities in the erosion of the all-W wall surfaces in WEST

C Christopher Klepper , EA Unterberg , Abdourahmane Diaw , Curtis Johnson
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 2023 UP11. 050 -UP11. 050

Multiscale Simulation Method for Plasma Flows

Abdourahmane Diaw , Jeff Haack , Mike Mckerns , Robert Pavel
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65