J. Dessein , L. De Cock , M.P.M.M. de Krom
Organic farming systems as a driver for change 9 ( 3) 149 -150
M. Meul , L. Carlier , J. Dessein , A. de Vliegher
Permanent and temporary grassland: plant, environment and economy. Proceedings of the 14th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Ghent, Belgium, 3-5 September 2007 484 -487
M. Grötzer , J. Dessein , E. Rogge , I. Darnhofer
Building sustainable rural futures: the added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty. 9th European IFSA Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 4-7 July 2010. 1180 -1188
R.A. Werkman , L. Lauwers , J. Dessein , C.J.A.M. Termeer
System Innovations, knowledge regimes and design practices towards transitions for sustainable agriculture 193 -207
M.P.M.M. de Krom , J. Dessein
Njas-wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 64 17 -24
J. Dessein
European Review of Agricultural Economics 30 ( 3) 412 -414
M. Crivits , Michiel P.M.M. de Krom , J. Dessein , T. Block
Outlook on Agriculture 43 ( 3) 147 -155
Bettina Bock , Joost Dessein
COST Action 866 Green Care in Agriculture
Johan Bastiaensen , Ludwig H. Lauwers , Joost Dessein , Bino Teme
2011 International Congress, August 30-September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland
Bettina B Bock , Joost Dessein
The economics of green care in agriculture 29 -36
Lies Messely , Ludwig H. Lauwers , Joost Dessein
Research Papers in Economics
Michiel De Krom , Joost Dessein
Bettina Bock , Joost Dessein
The Economics of Green Care in Agriculture 87 -94
Lummina Horlings , Joost Dessein , Elena Battaglini
Cultural sustainability and regional development : theories and practices of territorialisation 124 -140
Evy Mettepenningen , Valerie Vandermeulen , Michiel De Krom , Guido Van Huylenbroeck
Universiteit Gent. Vakgroep Landbouweconomie ; Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek. Eenheid Landbouw en Maatschappij
Michiel De Krom , Charlotte Prové , Joost Dessein , Katriina Soini
Book of abstracts of the XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology Congress 48 -48
Hubert Gulinck , Steven Van Passel , Visi Garcia Cidad , Dirk Reheul
Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek (ILVO). Steunpunt Duurzame Landbouw (Stedula)
Joost Dessein , Katriina Soini , Graham Fairclough , Lummina Horlings
Published in <b>2015</b> in Jyväskylä by Jyväskylä University Press 1 -73
Michiel De Krom , Joost Dessein , Katriina Soini
25th European Society of Rural Sociology (ESRS) Congress : Rural resilience and vulnerability : the rural as locus of solidarity and conflict in time of crisis 154 -155
Michiel De Krom , Charlotte Prové , Joost Dessein
Abstract book : international transdisciplinary conference : culture(s) in sustainable futures: theories, policies, practices 170 -170