Brian K. Stump
Seg Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 514 -514
B.W. Stump , D.C. Pearson
18. Seismic Research symposium on monitoring a Comprehensive Test Band Treaty (CTBT), Annapolis, MD (United States), 4-6 Sep 1996
C.L. Edwards , D.F. Baker , D.C. Pearson , B.W. Stump
17. annual seismic research symposium on monitoring a comprehensive test ban treaty, Scottsdale, AZ (United States), 11-15 Sep 1995
B.W. Stump , R.L. Martin , D.C. Pearson
13. annual symposium on explosives and blasting research, Las Vegas, NV (United States), 2-5 Feb 1997
B.W. Stump , R.E. Reinke
D.C. Pearson , R. Martin , W.S. Phillips , B.W. Stump
High tech blasting seminar, Orlando, FL (United States), 28 Jul - 1 Aug 1997
B.W. Stump , I. Chernoby , F. Riviere-Barbier , K. Koch
D. Gross , B.W. Stump , R.L. Martin , D.C. Pearson
23. annual conference on explosives and blasting technique, Las Vegas, NV (United States), 2-5 Feb 1997
J. Weigand , B.W. Stump , D.P. Anderson
High tech blasting seminar, Orlando, FL (United States), 28 Jul - 1 Aug 1997
Xiaoning Yang , B.W. Stump
Engineering blasting technique, Kunming (China), 7-10 Nov 1995
D.C. Pearson , B.W. Stump , Xiaoning Yang
B.W. Stump , D.C. Pearson
23. annual conference on explosives and blasting technique, Las Vegas, NV (United States), 2-5 Feb 1997
D.P. Anderson , B.W. Stump
Engineering blasting technique, Kunming (China), 7-10 Nov 1995
B.W. Stump , T.A. Weaver
Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
D.C. Pearson , B.W. Stump , D.F. Baker , C.L. Edwards
17. annual seismic research symposium on monitoring a comprehensive test ban treaty, Scottsdale, AZ (United States), 11-15 Sep 1995
B.W. Stump
Journal of Sound and Vibration 92 ( 2) 181 -201
Brian W. Stump , Robert E. Reinke
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 78 ( 3) 1037 -1058
Robert E. Reinke , D. Craig Pearson , Brian W. Stump
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 89 ( 2) 409 -422
Brian W. Stump
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 73 ( 4) 979 -1003