Efeito da experiência do operador e da estratégia de cimentação sobre a resistência de união entre pino de fibra e dentina

César Dalmolin Bergoli , Julia Magalhães da Costa ,
Archives of Health Investigation 2

Taxa de publicação de resumos apresentados em evento científico odontológico nacional

Marina Amaral , Ricardo Abreu da Rosa , Thiago Machado Ardenghi , César Dalmolin Bergoli
International Journal of Dentistry 10 ( 4) 200 -203

Ceramic Repair Without Hydrofluoric Acid

Débora Könzgen Meincke , Rodrigo Furtado de Carvalho , César Dalmolin Bergoli , Murilo Souza Luz
Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 18 ( 4) 283 -287

Restabelecimento funcional e estético com coroas e facetas laminadas

Noéli Boscato , Rafael Ratto de Moraes , César Dalmolin Bergoli , Fabíola Jardim Barbon
PróteseNews 3 ( 4) 408 -416

Pilares cerâmicos na odontologia: revisão da literatura

Marco Antônio Bottino , Rodrigo Furtado de Carvalho , César Dalmolin Bergoli , Renata Faria
Clín. int. j. braz. dent 332 -337

Structural reliability and bonding performance of resin luting agents to dentin and enamel

Cristina Pereira Isolan , Eliseu Aldrighi Münchow , César Dalmolin Bergoli , Lucas Pradebon Brondani
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 107 102863

Effect of mechanical cycling on microtensile bond strength between dentin and pressed ceramic restoration cemented by different strategies

César Dalmolin Bergoli , Marina Amaral , Emília Pithan Prochnow , Mariane Konzen
Journal of Research in Dentistry 2 ( 1) 37 -50

The Disk-Specimen Thickness Does Not Influence the Push-Out Bond Strength Results Between Fiber Post and Root Dentin

César Dalmolin Bergoli , Marina Amaral , Luiz Felipe Valandro
Journal of Adhesion 88 ( 3) 213 -223

Effects of bonding area size, surface treatment and specimen configuration on the push out test for assessing bonding and stress distribution to Y-TZP

Vinicius Felipe Wandscher , Ana Maria Estivalete Marchionatti , Aline Otani , César Dalmolin Bergoli
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 85 315 -321

Effect of the interfacial area measurement parameters on the push-out strength between fiber post and dentin

César Dalmolin Bergoli , Julia Magalhães da Costa Lima , Renata Marques de Melo , Marco Antonio Bottino
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 50 7 -10

Restorative strategies for weakened roots: Systematic review and Meta-analysis of in vitro studies

Gislene Corrêa , Lucas Pradebon Brondani , Rafael Sarkis-Onofre , César Dalmolin Bergoli
Brazilian dental science 22 ( 1) 124 -134

Multidisciplinary Approach for Reestablishing Function and Aesthetic of Unilateral Cleft Lip Defect: A Case Report:

Catarina Borges da Fonseca Cumerlato , Cinthia Studzinski dos Santos , Mateus Bertolini Fernandes dos Santos , César Dalmolin Bergoli
The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 58 ( 3) 396 -399

File-splitting multilayer vs monolithic Y-TZP: Fatigue flexural strength and loading stresses by finite element analysis.

Ana Maria Estivalete Marchionatti , Vinícius Felipe Wandscher , Iana Lamadrid Aurélio , César Dalmolin Bergoli
Dental Materials 35 ( 4)

Novel bendable abutments as a solution to correct unfavorable implant inclination. A clinical report.

Augusto Luis Mendes de Mattos Carpena , Mateus Kinalski , César Dalmolin Bergoli , Mateus Bertolini Fernandes dos Santos
Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 32 ( 8) 757 -762

Influence of fiber post cementation length on coronal microleakage values in vitro and finite element analysis.

César Dalmolin Bergoli , Rodrigo Furtado de Carvalho , Ivan Balducci , Josete Barbosa Cruz Meira
The journal of contemporary dental practice 15 ( 4) 444 -450

Effect of two resin cements and two fiber post surface treatments on push-out bond strength between fiber post and root dentin.

Luiz Felipe Valandro , César Dalmolin Bergoli , Carolina Ceolin Druck , Gabriel Kalil Rocha Pereira
The journal of contemporary dental practice 16 ( 1) 7 -12

Randomized controlled trial comparing glass fiber posts and cast metal posts.

Rafael Sarkis-Onofre , Helena Amaral Pinheiro , Victório Poletto-Neto , César Dalmolin Bergoli
Journal of Dentistry 96 103334

Effect of the frequency of mechanical pulses for fatigue aging testing on push-out bond strength between glass fiber posts and root dentin

Marília Pivetta Rippe , Vinícius Felipe Wandscher , César Dalmolin Bergoli , Paolo Baldissara
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 30 ( 11) 1243 -1252