Inhibition of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced Ca2+ release in permeabilized pancreatic acinar cells by hormonal and phorbol ester pretreatment.

P H G M Willems , B A M Van den Broek , C H Van Os , J J H H M De Pont
Journal of Biological Chemistry 264 ( 17) 9762 -9767

Cloning and characterization of two alpha-glucosidases from Bifidobacterium adolescentis

A.G.J. Voragen , L.A.M. van den Broek , K. Srtuijs , J.C. Verdoes
66 -66

Degradation of low molecular weight fragments of pectin and alginates by gamma-irradiation

A.G.J. Voragen , H.A. Schols , L.A.M. van den Broek , Z.I. Purwanto
Acta Alimentaria 27 ( 1) 29 -42

Biobased economy en de farmaceutische industrie

L.A.M. van den Broek , H.L. Bos
Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group

Cloning and expression of potato protease inhibitor I in Pincha pastoris

L. Pouvreau , L.A.M. van den Broek , M.A. Jongsma , H. Gruppen
Senter IOP 66 -66

Site-directed mutagenesis of alpha-galactosidase from Bifidobacterium adolescentis

A.C.W. Reijnierse , A.G.J. Voragen , L.A.M. van den Broek , J.P. Vincken
Universitetservice US AB 66 -66

Biobased economy: de potentie van eiwitten voor technische toepassingen

W.J. Mulder , M.E. Bruins , J.P.M. Sanders , E.L. Scott
Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research

BOGO van groen grondstoffen naar biobased materialen. Van stro naar melkzuur.

A.M. Lopez Contreras , L.A.M. van den Broek , R.R.C. Bakker

How much bio is in there? Can stable isotopes be used to determine the bio-based content of products?

L.A.M. van den Broek , G. van der Veer , M. van der Zee
Bioplastics Magazine 10 ( 5) 18 -22

Are there other methods than radiocarbon dating to determine the bio-based content of products?

M. van der Zee , L.A.M. van den Broek , T.J. Farmer , J. Sherwood
Book of Abstracts of the 11th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries 53 -53

Tailored enzymes in fruit juice technology

A.G.J. Voragen , H.A. Schols , L.A.M. van den Broek , G. Beldman

Identification and cloning of a sucrose phosphorylase gene from Bifidobacterium adolescentis DSM 20083

A.G.J. Voragen , E.L. van Boxtel , L.A.M. van den Broek , G. Beldman
70 -70

Isolation of cell wall material from Solanum tuberosum.

C.H.L. Voragen , A.G.J. Voragen , H.A. Schols , L.A.M. van den Broek

Partial purification of an enzyme able to release a Xyl-GalA dimer from soy polysaccharide.

A.G.J. Voragen , L.A.M. van den Broek , G. Beldman , J. Venekamp

Exopolysaccharides from Botryococcus braunii and the production of bioplastics

C. Boeriu , R. Blaauw , J.H. Stoutjesdijk , L.A.M. van den Broek
Proceedings 4th EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference: Polysaccharides and polysaccharide-based advanced materials: from science to industry 136 -136

Blue Bioeconomy Forum : Highlights: Summary of the roadmap and a selection of viable and innovative projects

Carl Safi , J. Kals , L.A.M. van den Broek , M. Poelman
European Commission

Toepassingen van enzymen in de Biobased Economy

C.G. Boeriu , L.A.M. van den Broek