P-Y. Gillot , S. Chiesa , G. Pasquaré , L. Vezzoli
Nature 299 ( 5880) 242 -245
L. Baratoux , L. Baratoux , I. Sagna , E. Dioh
Journal of African Earth Sciences 175 104109
A. Germa , X. Quidelleur , P.Y. Gillot , P. Tchilinguirian
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 29 ( 3) 717 -730
P.Y. Gillot , Y. Cornette , J. Couthures
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements 17 ( 3) 435
P.Y. Gillot , J. Labeyrie , C. Laj , G. Valladas
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 42 ( 3) 444 -450
C. Monaco , P. Tapponnier , L. Tortorici , P.Y. Gillot
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 147 ( 1-4) 125 -139
N. Binard , R.C. Maury , G. Guille , J. Talandier
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 55 ( 3) 239 -260
Y. Cornette , G.M. Crisci , P.Y. Gillot , G. Orsi
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 17 ( 1) 361 -373
V. Rouchon , P.Y. Gillot , X. Quidelleur , S. Chiesa
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 177 ( 2) 500 -514
H. Bellon , P.Y. Gillot , P. Nativel
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 23 ( 1) 53 -58
Shaul Levi , Haraldur Audunsson , Robert A. Duncan , Leo Kristjansson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 96 443 -457
P.-Y. Gillot , J.-S. Miller , Damien Devismes , J.-C. Lefevre
J. Hernandez , J. Dercourt , G.-S. Odin , P.-Y. Gillot
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 2, Mécanique, Physique, Chimie, Sciences de l'univers, Sciences de la Terre 317 ( 5) 629 -638
L. Audin , X. Quidelleur , E. Coulié , V. Courtillot
Geophysical Journal International 158 ( 1) 327 -345
X. Quidelleur , J. Carlut , P. Tchilinguirian , A. Germa
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 172 ( 3) 199 -209
J. Couthures , P.-Y. Gillot , A. Blanc
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements 17 ( 3) 434 -435
G.E. Alvarado , S. Kussmaul , S. Chiesa , P.-Y. Gillot
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 6 ( 3) 151 -168
X. Quidelleur , J. Carlut , V. Soler , J.-P. Valet
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 208 ( 3) 149 -163
P.-Y. Gillot , P. Nativel
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 13 ( 1) 131 -146
X. Quidelleur , P.-Y. Gillot , V. Soler , J.-C. Lefèvre
Geophysical Research Letters 28 ( 16) 3067 -3070