Gmw Gerrit Kroesen , E Eva Stoffels-Adamowicz , H Holger Kersten , WW Winfred Stoffels
Acta Physica Slovaca 50 ( 4) 439 -459
Steven Girshick , Adam Boies , Johannes Berndt , Pulkit Agarwal
Bulletin of the American Physical Society
Thibalut Labbaye , Eva Kovacevic , Ilija Stefanovic , Elena Tatarova
75th IUVSTA Workshop (Plasma Science and Techniques Division, Electronic Materials and Processes Division) "Sheath Phenomena in Plasma Processing of Advanced Materials"
Johannes Berndt , Cedric Pattyn , Eva Kovacevic
5th International Conference on Advanced Plasma Technologies - ICAPT-5
Johannes Berndt , Eva Kovacevic , Ilija Stefanovic
66th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference 58 ( 8)
Johannes Berndt , Shahzad Hussain , Mohammed Ramzi Ammar , Patrick Simon
5th International Conference on Advanced Plasma Technologies - ICAPT-5
Johannes Berndt , G. Wattieaux , L. Boufendi , E. Kovacevic
Bulletin of the American Physical Society
Johannes Berndt , Mireille Gaillard , Chantal Boulmer-Leborgne , Thibault Labbaye
Johannes Berndt , Mireille Gaillard , Chantal Boulmer-Leborgne , Thomas Strunskus
Steve Baranton , Christophe Coutanceau , Amael Caillard , Johannes Berndt
Electrolysis and Fuel Cell Discussions. Challenges Towards Zero Platinum for Oxygen Reduction, EFCD2015
Véronique Massereau-Guilbaud , Holger Kersten , Isabelle Géraud-Grenier , Johannes Berndt
Workshop "Plasma surface interaction for technological applications"
Véronique Massereau-Guilbaud , Isabelle Géraud-Grenier , Johannes Berndt , Jean-François Lagrange
Reunion de lancement du GDR Suie
Johannes Berndt , Hervé Rabat , Job Beckers , Titaina Gibert
18th Workshop on the Exploration of Low-Temperature Plasma Physics (WELTPP-18)
Amaël Caillard , Johannes Berndt , Pascal Brault , Thomas Lecas
Workshop EERA JP Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Technologies SP2: Catalyst and Electrodes “Bridging experimental and numerical research: Next generation electrodes and catalysts for more durable and efficient fuel and electrolysis cells »,
Johannes Berndt , Ibrahim Chiboub , Abdelaziz Mezeghrane , Maxime Mikikian
6th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas (ICPDP6)
Johannes Berndt , Mireille Gaillard , Chantal Boulmer-Leborgne , Thibault Labbaye
Anne-Lise Thomann , Johannes Berndt , F. Le Bihan , Chantal Boulmer-Leborgne
EMRS 2017
Elena Tatarova , Johannes Berndt , Shahzad Hussain , Chantal Boulmer-Leborgne
Johannes Berndt
PLASMA-2015, International Conference on Research and Application of Plasmas