Alessandro Rettura , Minh Huynh , Brigitte Rocca-Volmerange , Joel Vernet
Spitzer Proposal 50379
Audrey Galametz , Alessandro Rettura , Joël Vernet , Dominika Wylezalek
The Astrophysical Journal 769 ( 1) 79
Elaine M. Sadler , Enno Middelberg , Minnie Y. Mao , Minnie Y. Mao
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 426 ( 4) 3334 -3348
I.M. McHardy , K.F. Gunn , Nick Seymour , Nick Seymour
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 352 ( 1) 131 -141
Michelle Doherty , Masayuki Tanaka , Carlos De Breuck , C. Ly
Astronomy and Astrophysics 509 ( 1) 1 -16
Brigitte Rocca-Volmerange , Brigitte Rocca-Volmerange , Joël Vernet , Mark Lacy
The Astrophysical Journal 725 ( 1) 36 -62
Luca Bizzocchi , J Afonso , Edo Ibar , Marco Grossi
The Square Kilometre Array: Paving the Way for the New 21st Century Radio Astronomy Paradigm: Proceedings of Symposium 7 of JENAM 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 6-10 September 2010 25 97 -100
A. Galametz , C. De Breuck , J. Vernet , D. Stern
Astronomy and Astrophysics 539
Bitten Gullberg , Carlos De Breuck , Matthew D Lehnert , Joël Vernet
Astronomy and Astrophysics 586 1 -15
Eva Schinnerer , Minh Huynh , Philip Best , Chris Simpson
Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometer Array
Mathew Page , Derek Moss , George Rieke , Andrew Hopkins
2007 From Planets to Dark Energy: The Modern Radio Universe, MRU 2007 52
Maria Strandet , Matthew Malkan , Chris Fassnacht , Nick Tothill
ATNF Proposal
Richard Hunstead , Alexandre Beelen , Nicole Nesvadba , Philip Best
ATNF Proposal
Tim Galvin , Miroslav Filipovic , Nick Tothill , Nick Seymour
ATNF Proposal
Nick Tothill , Miroslav Filipovic , Wilfred Walsh , Ray Norris
ATNF Proposal
Gianfranco de Zotti , Marcos Lopez-Caniego , Pasquale Temi , Rob Ivison
Steve Willner , Joel Vernet , Peter Eisenhardt , Daniel Stern
sptz 40093
Nicole Nesvadba , Carlos De Breuck , Phil Appleton , Nick Seymour
sptz 60147
Alessandro Rettura , Jaron Kurk , Joel Vernet , Huub Rottgering
sptz 60112
Alasdair Thomson , Elaine Sadler , Paul van der Werf , Marcella Massardi