The effect of nanocrystalline diamond on lipid peroxidation in blood plasma

S. Mitura , D. Kwasek , P. Górski , T. Pietras
Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering 4

Analiza czynników wpływających na rozwój steroidooporności w etiopatogenezie astmy oskrzelowej o ciężkim przebiegu

M. Panek , Tadeusz Pietras , I Kuprys-Lipinska , P. Gorski
Postepy biochemii 56 ( 4)

Wpływ proszku nanokrystalicznego diamentu na procesy peroksydacji lipidów w surowicy krwi

S. Mitura , G. Bogusławski , P. Górski , T. Pietras
Inżynieria Materiałowa 239 -241

P.3.b.016 Effect of haloperidol and olanzapine on clock genes expression – preliminary results

L. Mokros , M. Karbownik , K. Nowakowska-Domagala , J. Szemraj
European Neuropsychopharmacology 25

P.3.c.005 Clozapine and expression of the neurodevelopmental genes: a pilot study

M.S. Karbownik , J. Szemraj , L. Wieteska , M. Panek
European Neuropsychopharmacology 24

P.2.02 Citalopram and venlafaxine in the treatment of depressive disorder in elderly patients

P. Galecki , A. Florkowski , A.P. Jurczyk , K. Bobinska
European Neuropsychopharmacology 19

Protective effect of ambroxol against heat- and hydrogen peroxide-induced damage to lung lipids in mice

D. Nowak , A. Antczak , T. Pietras , P. Bialasiewicz
European Respiratory Journal 7 ( 9) 1629 -1634

Increased content of hydrogen peroxide in the expired breath of cigarette smokers

D. Nowak , A. Antczak , M. Krol , T. Pietras
European Respiratory Journal 9 ( 4) 652 -657

The Analysis Of The Correlation Between ER22/23EK Polymorphism Of h-GR/NR3C1 Gene And Occurrence Of Severe Bronchial Asthma In Polish Population

MG Panek , T Pietras , I Kupryś-Lipińska , D Tworek
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 127 ( 2)

P.193 The association between chronotype, mindfulness, general mental health indices and use of antidepressants among medical students

L. Mokros , K. Sadowski , K. Nowakowska-Domagala , T. Pietras
European Neuropsychopharmacology 40

Effect of ascorbic acid on killing of lymphocytes and macrophages by hydrogen peroxide.

Piasecka G , Antczak A , Pietras T , Nowak D
Biomedica biochimica acta 50 ( 9) 1079 -1086

Severe haemorrhagic diathesis in an adult patient with cystic fibrosis after long-term antibiotic treatment of pulmonary infection.

Bialasiewicz P , Pietras T , Nowak D , Chudzik J
Monaldi archives for chest disease = Archivio Monaldi per le malattie del torace / Fondazione clinica del lavoro, IRCCS [and] Istituto di clinica tisiologica e malattie apparato respiratorio, Università di Napoli, Secondo ateneo 52 ( 4) 343

Ambroxol inhibits endotoxin-induced lipid peroxidation in mice.

Piasecka G , Antczak A , Pietras T , Nowak D
Polish Journal of Pharmacology 45 ( 3) 317

The role of oxygen free radicals stimulated by tobacco smoke in the development of lung neoplasms

Nowak D , Pietras T
Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska 60 78 -82

Ascorbic acid did not alter the content of conjugated dienes and malondialdehyde in organs of mice.

Piasecka G , Antczak A , Pietras T , Nowak D
Polish journal of pharmacology and pharmacy 44 ( 5) 539 -542

The newly synthetized pyridobenzoxazocynone inhibits HIV-1 reverse transcriptase activity.

Nowak D , Idowski P , Sidorkiewicz M , Leder M
Farmaco 52 ( 12) 751 -753

Effects of certain antioxidants on lipid peroxidation process in lung homogenates of L thyroxine-receiving rats

Tadeusz Pietras , Dariusz Nowak , Michal Stuss , Ewa Sewerynek
Neuro endocrinology letters 31 ( 1) 137 -146

Genetyczne przyczyny upośledzenia umysłowego, z którymi neurolog może spotkać się w codziennej praktyce

Magdalena Justyna Kacperska , Tadeusz Pietras , Karol Jastrzębski , Maciej Radek
Aktualności Neurologiczne 13 ( 2) 119 -129

Identification and association of TGFβ-1 expression in patients with asthma in a Polish population - Lodz metropolitan area study

Michał Panek , Tadeusz Pietras , Janusz Szemraj , Artur Fabijan
International journal of biochemistry and molecular biology 4 ( 1) 67 -74