Roland Deutsch , Kevin J. M. Smith , Robert Kordts-Freudinger , Regina Reichardt
Frontiers in Psychology 6 152 -152
Kevin Smith , Tom Williams
Media and Methods 35 ( 5)
Kevin Smith
Primary Science
Kevin Smith
Chemical Engineering Progress 100 ( 6) 41 -51
Kevin Smith , Chris Curran
Kevin Smith , Mary Brakke , Paul Baepler , Kathleen O'Donovan
University of Minnesota's Center for Teaching and Learning and the Academy of Distinguished Teachers
Kevin Smith
University of the South Pacific Press
Robert Holland , William Darwall , Emma Brooks , Ian Harrison
The diversity of life in African freshwaters: underwater, under threat: an analysis of the status and distribution of freshwater species throughout mainland Africa.
Adam Brent Jacob , Kevin Smith , Seth Yosef Falcon , Christopher Brown
Charlie McDowell , Bill Appelbe , Kevin Smith
Advances in distributed and parallel processing (vol. one) 71 -109
James Duckworth , Kevin Smith , Don Kuehl
American Laboratory 33 ( 6) 42 -49
Greg Olsen , Elaine GARVEY , Ricardo CRAFT , BELL Ganesh
Mary M. Juzwik , Cori McKenzie , Kevin Smith , Ellen Cushman
Research in The Teaching of English 51 ( 2) 125 -133
Kevin Smith
Journal of financial planning 1 ( 1) 41
Iain J. Davidson-Hunt , Trust Beta , Victoria Ndolo , Olivia Sylvester
Iain J. Davidson-Hunt , Seline S. Meijer , W.R.T. Darwall , Craig Hilton-Taylor
Kevin Smith
Polymath: An Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Journal 8 ( 1) 16 -22
Amy Cunningham , Julie Verhoeven , Karl Marrow , Andy Hsu
Six Degrees of Separation