Vicente E. Boria , Santiago Cogollos , Benito Gimeno , Héctor Esteban
Annales Des Télécommunications 56 ( 1) 94 -103
Santiago Cogollos , Vicente E Boria , Héctor Esteban , Benito Gimeno
Annales Des Télécommunications 56 94 -103
M. Guglielmi , J. R. Mosig , H. K. Smith
23th EuMC
G. V. Eleftheriades , M. Guglielmi , J. R. Mosig , H. Lepezennec
Microwave Engineering Europe 57 -60
M. Guglielmi , J. R. Mosig , A. Alvarez-Melcon
PIERS '98 (Progress in electromagnetics research symposium) proceedings 214
E. Menargues , V. E. Boria , S. Cogollos , B. Gimeno
european microwave integrated circuit conference 250 -253
S. Lucyszyn , U. Karacaoglu , M. Guglielmi , I.D. Robertson
Microwave Filters and Antennas for Personal Communication Systems, IEE Colloquium on
I.D. Robertson , M. Guglielmi , M.R. Moazzam
Recent Advances in Microwave Sub-Systems for Space and Satellite Applications, IEE Colloquium on
M. Guglielmi , G. Gerini , L. Zappelli , T. Rozzi
AP 2000 - Millennium Conference on Antennas & Propagation, 9-14 April 2000, Davos, Switzerland
O. Roquebrun , E. Kerherve , M. Guglielmi , P. Jarry
Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications (JMOe) 3 ( 5) 41 -46
F. Frezza , P. Lampariello , M. Guglielmi
181 -184
V. E. Boria , S. Cogollos , M. Guglielmi , J. C. Melgarejo
european microwave conference
S. Cogollos , P. Soto , M. Brumos , V. E. Boria
international microwave symposium 1 -4
D. Smacchia , C. Carceller , M. Guglielmi , P. Soto
international microwave symposium
P. Soto , V.E. Boria , C. Carceller , S. Cogollos
international microwave symposium 1 -4
M.A.G. Laso , V.E. Boria , F. Teberio , I. Arregui
international microwave symposium 1 -4
M.R. Moazzam , I.D. Robertson , M. Guglielmi , A.H. Aghvami
asia pacific microwave conference 2 743 -746
P. Jarry , E. Kerherve , O. Roquebrun , M. Guglielmi
sbmo/mtt-s international microwave and optoelectronics conference 1 9 -12
M. Taroncher , J. Hueso , S. Cogollos , B. Gimeno
mediterranean electrotechnical conference 180 -183
David Cañete Rebenaque , F Quesada Pereira , J Pascual García , A Alvarez Melcón
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 14 ( 10) 475 -477