E Weiss , H Arnold-Bofinger , P Hirnle
Zentralblatt Fur Gynakologie 117 ( 9) 481 -485
R Mahon , E Weiss , J Ford , K Karki
Medical Physics 43 ( 6Part6) 3380 -3381
R N Mahon , , G D Hugo , E Weiss
Physics in Medicine and Biology 64 ( 14) 145007
K Wijesooriya , E Weiss , V Dill , L Dong
Medical Physics 33 ( 6) 2186 -2187
H Ulrich-Pur , M Raderer , GV Kornek , K Haider
Oncology Research and Treatment 22 ( 4) 364 -378
E Weiss ,
UpToDate Web site
Paul J. Keall , Yelin Suh , Elisabeth Weiss
Christian Dial , Elisabeth Weiss , Jeffrey V. Siebers , Geoffrey D. Hugo
Medical Physics 43 ( 4) 1787 -1794
Nuzhat Jan , Christopher Guy , Leonid B. Reshko , Geoffrey D. Hugo
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 98 ( 3) 683 -690
Kishor Karki , Siddharth Saraiya , Geoffrey D. Hugo , Nitai Mukhopadhyay
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 99 ( 1) 80 -89
Margret Rave-Fränk , Sabine Glomme , Jens Hertig , Elisabeth Weiss
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 178 ( 9) 497 -503
Elisabeth Weiss , Clemens F. Hess
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 179 ( 1) 21 -30
Andrea Hille , Elisabeth Weiss , Clemens F. Hess
Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie 179 ( 11) 742 -747
Christina Hempen , Elisabeth Weiss , Clemens F. Hess
Supportive Care in Cancer 10 ( 4) 322 -328
Cheng Zhang , Gary E. Christensen , Martin J. Murphy , Elisabeth Weiss
workshop on biomedical image registration 31 -40
Paul Keall , Sastry Vedam , Rohini George , Chris Bartee
Medical Dosimetry 31 ( 2) 152 -162
Nicholas O. Roman , Wes Shepherd , Nitai Mukhopadhyay , Geoffrey D. Hugo
International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics 83 ( 5) 1566 -1572
Kishor Karki , Geoffrey D Hugo , John C Ford , Kathryn M Olsen
Physics in Medicine and Biology 60 ( 20) 7877 -7891
Damodar Pokhrel , Martin J. Murphy , Dorin A. Todor , Elisabeth Weiss
Medical Physics 37 ( 9) 5092 -5101
Ahmed M. Badawi , Elisabeth Weiss , William C. Sleeman , Chenyu Yan
Medical Physics 37 ( 9) 5080 -5091