Tairan Qiu , Sharon Nuruddin , Melisa Cahnmann Taylor
The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education 40 ( 1) 5
Mariana Souto-Manning , Jaime L. Dice , Jennifer Wooten , Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor
Teachers College Record 111 ( 11) 2535 -2559
Mariana Souto-Manning , Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor , Kris D Gutiérrez , Johnny Saldana
Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor
Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed Journal 2 ( 1) 2
Kuo Zhang , Yixuan Wang , Ming Sun , Ashley Brown-Lemley
Intersections: Critical Issues in Education 3 ( 2) 8
Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor , Kathleen R. McGovern
Routledge 28 -38
Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor , Kathleen R. McGovern
Routledge 164 -194
Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor , Kathleen R. McGovern
Routledge 81 -105
Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor , Kathleen R. McGovern
Routledge 54 -80
Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor , Kathleen R. McGovern
Routledge 122 -143
Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor , Kathleen R. McGovern
Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor , Kathleen R. McGovern
Routledge 39 -53
James Coda , Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor , Lei Jiang
Journal of Language Identity and Education 20 ( 2) 90 -102
Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor , Susan Bleyle , Yohan Hwang , Kuo Zhang
TESOL Journal 8 ( 1) 70 -101
Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor
Reading & Writing Quarterly 30 ( 3) 211 -214
Sharon Verner Chappell , Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor
Review of Research in Education 37 ( 1) 243 -268
Jennifer Wooten , Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor
Pedagogies: An International Journal 9 ( 3) 179 -195
Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor , Yohan Hwang
Language and Education 33 ( 5) 399 -415
Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor
Arts-Based Research in Education 247 -258
Mariana Souto-Manning , Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor , Jaime Dice , Jennifer Wooten
Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 29 ( 4) 309 -325