D. Sinclair , J. Vickery , S. Lundeen , N. Gunningham
Adding value through environmental marketing: opportunities for food producers, processors and retailers. Proceedings of the Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 6-7 December, 1999. 148 -163
P. Kanowski , B. Freeman , D. Sinclair
ITTO Tropical Forest Update 10 ( 1) 2 -6
A. Rawluk , A. Curtis , E. Sharp , B.F.J. Kelly
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 20 ( 1) 34 -48
Darren Lloyd Sinclair
The Australian National University
Duncan Sinclair
Power engineering international 17 ( 7) 20 -23
Neil Gunningham , Duncan Sinclair , P Grabosky
Smart regulation: Designing environmental policy 37 -90
Darren Sinclair , Neil Gunningham
Australian Centre for Environmental Law, Faculty of Law, The Australian National University
Anthony Jakeman , David Pannell , Jenifer Ticehurst , Madeleine Hartley
international conference on simulation and modeling methodologies technologies and applications
Cameron Holley , Darren Sinclair
Journal of Natural Resources 17 ( 2) 189
Cameron Holley , Cameron Holley , Darren Sinclair
Journal of Natural Resources 15 ( 2) 149 -189
Darren Sinclair
2012 NGWA Ground Water Summit: Innovate and Integrate
Darren Sinclair
Jurimetrics: journal of law, science and technology 59 ( 2) 141 -166
Darren Sinclair , Neil Gunningham
Environmental and planning law journal 18 ( 4) 369 -380
Cameron Holley , Cameron Holley , Darren Sinclair , Carley Bartlett
CSIRO Publishing
Darren Sinclair , Neil Gunningham
Australian Coal Association Research Program
Patricia Burritt , Darren Sinclair , Neil Gunningham
Commonwealth of Australia
Darren Sinclair , Neil Gunningham
The Australian Centre for Environmental Law (Sydney)
Simon G. Haberle , Cameron Holley , Darren Sinclair , Larissa Schneider
Darren Sinclair , Larissa Schneider
Environmental and planning law journal 36 ( 6) 630 -641
Darren Sinclair , Neil Gunningham , Neil Gunningham
Australian Government National Water Commission