TDCS effects on pointing task learning in young and old adults

P. Ragert , P. Ragert , A.Villringer , A.Villringer
Scientific Reports 11 ( 1) 3421 -3421

Author Correction: TDCS effects on pointing task learning in young and old adults.

P. Ragert , P. Ragert , A. Villringer , A. Villringer
Scientific Reports 11 ( 1) 9871 -9871

Dynamic Properties of Human Brain Structure: Learning-Related Changes in Cortical Areas and Associated Fiber Connections

M. Taubert , B. Draganski , A. Anwander , K. Muller
The Journal of Neuroscience 30 ( 35) 11670 -11677

Differential effects of high and low-frequency TMS on different tactile perceptual tasks and cortical excitability of human somatosensory cortex

S. Franzkowiak , P. Ragert , P. Schwenkreis , M. Tegentoff
Clinical Neurophysiology 118 ( 4) e32

P127. Mirror motor activity and its relation to white matter in the posterior midbody of the corpus callosum

B. Sehm , C. Steele , A. Villringer , P. Ragert
Clinical Neurophysiology 126 ( 8)

P 57 The influence of sports expertise on the extent of physiological mirror-EMG-activity in the upper and lower extremity

T. Maudrich , R. Kenville , P. Ragert , C.J. Steele
Clinical Neurophysiology 128 ( 10)

Investigation of the confounding effects of vasculature and metabolism on computational anatomy studies.

C.L. Tardif , C.J. Steele , L. Lampe , P.-L. Bazin
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Shifts in cortical representations predict human discrimination improvement.

B. Pleger , H. R. Dinse , P. Ragert , P. Schwenkreis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98 ( 21) 12255 -12260

Learning-dependent structural plasticity in patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease during complex balance training

B. Sehm , M. Taubert , D. Weise , J. Claßen
Klinische Neurophysiologie 42 ( 01)

Interhemisphärische Inhibition des primären somatosensorischen Kortex

P. Ragert , T. Nierhaus , L.G. Cohen , A. Villringer
Klinische Neurophysiologie 42 ( 01) 314

Anodal tDCS of SMA enhances Visuomotor Learning

H. Vollmann , V.C. Ruiz , M. Taubert , O.W. Witte
Klinische Neurophysiologie 42 ( 01) 307

Examining the effect of transcranial direct current stimulation in the arc pointing task

E. Kaminski , M. Hoff , C. Steele , B. Sehm
Brain Stimulation 12 ( 2) 460 -461

P 6. tDCS-induced effects on paired-pulse inhibition in the primary somatosensory cortex

M. Hoff , E. Kaminski , C. Gundlach , B. Sehm
Clinical Neurophysiology 124 ( 10)

P 92. Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on complex motor skill learning

E. Kaminski , M. Hoff , B. Sehm , M. Taubert
Clinical Neurophysiology 124 ( 10)

Cortical topography of intracortical inhibition influences the speed of decision making

C. Wilimzig , P. Ragert , H. R. Dinse
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 ( 8) 3107 -3112

Facilitation of inferior frontal cortex by transcranial direct current stimulation induces perceptual learning of severely degraded speech.

B. Sehm , T. Schnitzler , J. Obleser , A. Groba
The Journal of Neuroscience 33 ( 40) 15868 -15878

Priming the right motor cortex (M1) influences the effect of intermittent theta burst stimulation on excitability over left M1

P. Ragert , M. Camus , Y. Vandermeeren , L. Cohen
Brain Stimulation 1 ( 3) 264 -265