Anwesha Roy Paladhi , Evan McClain , Ryan Laroza , Sebastian Timar
David Crisp , David Baker , Riley Duren , Charles Miller
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 14341
David Crisp
93rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
David Crisp
Karl R. Stapelfeldt , Carl J. Grillmair , J. Jeff Hester , Guy Worthey
The Astronomical Journal 115 ( 1) 144 -151
Jeremy Bailey , Malcolm Walter , David Crisp , Andrew Simpson
Workshop on Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations (2nd : 2006) 146
Jeremy Bailey , David Crisp , Andrew Simpson , Sarah Chamberlain
Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations 142
Debra Weisenstein , Nien Dak Sze , Malcolm K. W. Ko , J. A. Pyle
In its Two-Dimensional Intercomparison of Stratospheric Models P 111-140 (SEE N90-11405 02-46 111 -140
Karl R. Stapelfeldt , Carl J. Grillmair , J. Jeff Hester , Jeremy R. Mould
The Astronomical Journal 115 ( 3) 1045 -1056
Victoria S. Meadows , Giovanna Tinetti , William Fong , David Crisp
Astrobiology 5 ( 4) 461 -482
James F. Kasting , Victoria Meadows , John Scalo , Giovanna Tinetti
Astrobiology 5 ( 6) 706 -725
Karl R. Stapelfeldt , Carl J. Grillmair , J. Jeff Hester , Jeremy R. Mould
The Astronomical Journal 118 ( 5) 2262 -2279
Hartmut Boesch , David Crisp
Pasadena, CA : Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2013
Annmarie Eldering , Christian Frankenberg , Christopher W. O'Dell , Andrey Savtchenko
David Crisp
Pasadena, CA : Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2011.
Brian Connor , Hartmut Boesch , Charles Miller , David Crisp
cosp 37 334
David Crisp
37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 37 603
David Crisp
Pasadena, CA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2018