Superfluid {sup 3}He in 98.2% open aerogel

J.M. Parpia , J.V. Porto
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 40 ( 2)

Apparatus to conduct a search for superfluidity in the dilute mixture of {sup 3}He in {sup 4}He

J.V. Porto , J.M. Parpia
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 38 ( 2)

Rydberg Ensemble for Quantum Networking

Alexander N Craddock , Dalia Ornelas-Huerta , AJ Hachtel , John Hannegan
Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science (2020), paper LM2F.1

3He in 99.5% Porous Aerogel at the Normal-Superfluid Transition

S.C.J. Kingsley , G. Lawes , A. Golov , K. Matsumoto
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 113 ( 3) 357 -361

Double well potentials for atomic qubit gates in a designer optical lattice

J.H. Huckans , C.D. Fertig , I.B. Spielman , J.V. Porto
quantum electronics and laser science conference 1 432 -434

Diffusion welds between copper and silver alloys

J.V. Porto , J.M. Parpia
Physica B-condensed Matter 194 857 -858

Multi-photon Laser Cooling

J.V. Porto , Saijun Wu , Roger Brown , W.P. Phillips
Frontiers in Optics

Phases of a 2D Bose Gas in an Optical Lattice

Karina Jimenez-Garcia , Robert Compton , James Porto , Yu-Ju Lin
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 55 ( 5)

Transport in a 1-d Bose gas near the superfluid to Mott-insulator transition.

John Huckans , Bruno Laburthe-Tolra , James Porto , Ken O'Hara
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 35

New sub-ppb measurements of the masses of Cs, Rb, and Na

Simon Rainville , David Pritchard , James Thompson , Michael Bradley
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 14

Beating the diffraction limit: an optical lattice of sub-wavelength barriers

Peter Zoller , Alexey Gorshkov , Przemyslaw Bienias , James Porto
APS 2018

Engineering Subwavelength Optical Landscapes using Stroboscopic Techniques

James Porto , Yang Wang , Sarthak Subhankar , Tsz-Chun Tsui
APS 2019

Creating and imaging atomic wave functions beyond the diffraction limit

Tsz-Chun Tsui , Sarthak Subhankar , Yang Wang , Przemyslaw Bienias
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63

Two-Qubit Motional Gates in Double-Well Optical Lattices

Mark Edwards , James Porto , Charles W Clark
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 37 E3. 006 -E3. 006

Photon thermalization and Bose condensation via laser cooling of atoms

Chiao-Hsuan Wang , Michael Gullans , James Porto , William Phillips
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018 E26. 001 -E26. 001

Experiments with Cold Atoms in Optical Lattices

William D Phillips , James Porto ,
AIP Conference Proceedings 770 ( 1) 14 -24

Experimental realization of a subwavelength optical potential based on atomic dark state

Yang Wang , Sarthak Subhankar , Steven Rolston , James Porto
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2017 Q1. 051 -Q1. 051

Investigation of short-time many-body dynamics in multilevel Rydberg systems.

Carlos Bracamontes , Jeremy Young , Elizabeth Goldschmidt , Thomas Boulier
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2016 D1. 118 -D1. 118

Degenerate Bose-Fermi mixtures of rubidium and ytterbium

Jiraphat Tiamsuphat , Varun Vaidya , Steven Rolston , James Porto
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2016 K1. 104 -K1. 104

Anomalous broadening in driven dissipative Rydberg systems

Thomas Boulier , Elizabeth Goldschmidt , Roger Brown , Silvio Koller
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2016 T9. 006 -T9. 006