W. Kley
Astronomy and Astrophysics 222 141 -149
W. Kley , R. Tschäpe
Astronomy and Astrophysics 273 ( 1) 169 -174
A. Burkert , W. Kley , A. Shankar
Astronomy and Astrophysics 274 ( 3) 955 -960
W. Kley
Astronomy and Astrophysics 208 98 -110
W. Voges , H. Ritter , W. Kley , W. Pietsch
Astronomy and Astrophysics 246 ( 1)
W. Kley
Astronomy and Astrophysics 247 ( 1) 95 -107
M. Flaig , R. Kissmann , W. Kley
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 409 ( 4) 1297 -1306
T. Henning , W. Kley , S. Wolf , F. Gueth
The Astrophysical Journal 566 ( 2)
Hubert Klahr , Hubert Klahr , W. Kley
Astronomy and Astrophysics 445 ( 2) 747 -758
P. Klagyivik , W. Kley , Zs. Sándor , Zs. Sándor
Astronomy and Astrophysics 472 ( 3) 981 -992
T. Rauch , P. H. Hauschildt , B. Wolff , K. Werner
Astronomy and Astrophysics 402 ( 2) 791 -799
Patrick Ruoff , M. Flaig , R. Kissmann , W. Kley
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 420 ( 3) 2419 -2428
A. Seizinger , R. Speith , W. Kley
Astronomy and Astrophysics 541
W. Kley , B. Bitsch
epsc 2011 752
M. Flaig , R. Kissmann , W. Kley
ASPC 444 36
W. Kley
apcb 301 -305
S. Pfalzner , Th. Henning , W. Kley
IAUS 200 193
W. Kley
ISSI Scientific Reports Series 6 39 -50
W. Kley
Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series 12 49
T. Rauch , P. Hauschildt , K. Werner , S. L. Schuh
Astronomische Nachrichten Supplement 324 ( 2) 2