Education as a Predictor of Mental Health after Bereavement: a population based record linkage study

Dermot O'Reilly , Mark McCann , Aideen Maguire , John Moriarty
The Farr Institute Conference 2015: Data Intensive Health Care Research

Distribution of Childhood Health Indices: Associations with Moves along the "Property Ladder"

Mark McCann , Aideen Maguire , John Moriarty
Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Conference 2015

Phonic skills mediate improved literacy outcomes in at-risk primary school children: results from the Ready-to-Learn Programme

Oliver Perra , Mark McCann , Geraldine Macdonald , Nina O'Neill
British Psychological Society Developmental Section

Parental alcohol use and resilience in young people: A study of family, peer and school processes. Short report.

Oliver Perra , Claire McCartan , Mark McCann , Andrew Percy
HSC R&D, Public Health Agency, Northern Ireland

Caring and Beyond: Impact of Bereavement on Caregivers' Mental Health

Dermot O'Reilly , Mark McCann , Aideen Maguire , John Moriarty
International Convention of Psychological Science

Smartphones - a method for longitudinal survey data capture: One step forward or two steps back?

Suleiman Yerima , Oliver Perra , Helen McAneney , Mark Tully
Complex Systems, Health Disparities & Population Health: Building Bridges

The Smartphones Study

Suleiman Yerima , Oliver Perra , Helen McAneney , Mark Tully
Made in Northern Ireland (Child Care Research Forum): Sharing our innovations in Research Policy and Practice

Mortality of care home residents, and risk factors for care home admission

Mark McCann
‘Changing Ageing Partnership’ Research Seminar Series

An exploration of sexual health competencies in young people in Northern Ireland

Mark McCann , Kathryn Higgins , Laura Dunne , Geraldine Macdonald
Northern Ireland British Psychological Society Annual Conference

Not so happy pills? Ecstasy use and mood

Mark McCann
Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Annual Scientific Meeting

Coming down and Staying down? The longer term effects of ecstasy use on mood.

Mark McCann
European association for research on adolescence

Preventive interventions for improving resilience in children of problem drinkers.

Mark McCann , Geraldine Macdonald , Aisling McLaughlin , Nuala Livingstone
Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing: Impact on outcomes for children and young people

Care homes in Northern Ireland: Variations in Mortality

Mark McCann
The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing launch symposium