Debra Kamps , Nancy Rosenberg , Ilene Schwartz , Marissa Congdon
Education and training in autism and developmental disabilities 50 ( 2) 213 -222
Jill Locke , Michael D. Hugh , Maria L. , Pullmann
International Journal of Educational Research 108 101779
Debra Kamps , Kathy Thiemann-Bourque , Linda Heitzman-Powell , Ilene Schwartz
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 45 ( 6) 1809 -1824
Luanna H. Meyer , Hyun-Sook Park , Marquita Grenot-Scheyer , Ilene Schwartz
The Journal of The Association for Persons With Severe Handicaps 23 ( 3) 165 -177
Charles A. Peck , Debbie Staub , Chrysan Gallucci , Ilene Schwartz
The Journal of The Association for Persons With Severe Handicaps 29 ( 2) 135 -143
Phillip S. Strain , Ilene Schwartz
Springer, Boston, MA 107 -123
Eva Horn , Joan Lieber , Shouming Li , Susan Sandall
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 20 ( 4) 208 -223
Samuel L. Odom , Marci J. Hanson , Joan Lieber , Jules Marquart
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 21 ( 1) 46 -55
Susan Janko , Ilene Schwartz , Susan Sandall , Kristen Anderson
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 17 ( 3) 286 -306
Ilene Schwartz , Carnot J. Thomas , Bonnie McBride , Susan Sandall
School Mental Health 5 ( 4) 221 -232
Vanessa Tucker , Ilene Schwartz
School Mental Health 5 ( 1) 3 -14
Debra Kamps , Linda Heitzman-Powell , Nancy Rosenberg , Rose Mason
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 28 ( 5) 703 -722
Susan A. Fowler , Ilene Schwartz , Jane Atwater
Exceptional Children 58 ( 2) 136 -145
Samuel L. Odom , Joann Vitztum , Ruth Wolery , Joan Lieber
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 4 ( 1) 17 -49
Ashley Penney , Ilene Schwartz
Autism 23 ( 6) 1497 -1507
Roxanne F. Hudson , Elizabeth A. Sanders , Rosanne Greenway , Sharon Xie
Exceptional Children 84 ( 1) 55 -75
Joan Lieber , Ilene Schwartz , Susan Sandall , Eva Horn
Nhsa Dialog: A Research-to-practice Journal for The Early Intervention Field 4 ( 3) 432 -452
Susan Sandall , Ilene Schwartz , Gail Joseph
Young Exceptional Children 4 ( 3) 3 -9
Gusty-Lee Boulware , Ilene Schwartz , Bonnie McBride
Young Exceptional Children 3 ( 1) 21 -27
Glen Dunlap , Edward G. Carr , Robert H. Horner , Jennifer R. Zarcone
Behavior Modification 32 ( 5) 682 -698