S.T. Newman , C.A. McMahon , G.P. Hammond , W.L. Ijomah
5th International Conference on Design and Manufacture for Sustainable Development
C.A. McMahon , W.L. Ijomah , A. King
Proceedings Design Engineering Technical Conferences
W.L. Ijomah , J.P. Bennett , J. Pearce
international symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing 192 -196
W.L. Ijomah , S.J. Childe , G.P. Hammond , C.A. McMahon
international symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing 472 -479
J.D. Chiodo , W.L. Ijomah
Responsive Manufacturing - Green Manufacturing (ICRM 2010), 5th International Conference on 134 -139
W.L. Ijomah , M. Danis
Woodhead Publishing 263 -282
G.D. Hatcher , W.L. Ijomah , J.F.C. Windmill
Journal of Cleaner Production 39 200 -208
G.D. Hatcher , W.L. Ijomah , J.F.C. Windmill
Journal of Cleaner Production 64 244 -253
G.D. Hatcher , W.L. Ijomah , J.F.C. Windmill
Journal of Cleaner Production 19 ( 17-18) 2004 -2014
W.L. Ijomah , M. Danis
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Handbook 145 -162
J.D. Chiodo , W.L. Ijomah
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 27 ( 4) 361 -371
W.L. Ijomah , J.D. Chiodo
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 3 ( 4) 246 -257
JR Gamage , W.L. Ijomah , J Windmill
11th Global Conference for Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM2013), Berlin, Germany 223 -226
Winifred Louissa Ijomah
University of Plymouth
Umit Bititci , W L Ijomah , A Priyono
1st International Conference on Remanufacturing
Umit Bititci , W L Ijomah , A Priyono
international symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing
X V Wang , B Lopez , L Wang , J Li
9th ASME 2014 Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference
J. Singh , A.J. Mulholland , K.M.M. Tant , T. Stratoudaki
Materials & Design 195 109041
Sara J. Ridley , WL Ijomah
Journal of Remanufacturing 5 ( 1) 8